A Foster Family (Part 2)

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Everyone leaned back in their chair a bit, breakfast was so good. Amane however, was feeling uncomfortable and squirmed in his seat. Tsukasa took a noting to this.

"You okay?" Tsukasa asked quietly.

"Toilet.." Amane mumbled back, slightly embarrassed but hopeful his brother would do something. And something was exactly what he did.

"Mei-san!! Where is the bathroom!?" Tsukasa said very loudly, Amane shot him a confused look. What was he thinking?!

"Oh, I'll take you." She said, standing up and pushing in her chair.

"No thanks! Amane needs it!" Tsukasa replied, pointing at his brother.

And since their conversation was so loud, everyone was looking at him, even the baby Tiara. Amane felt his face heat up as he stood up, pushed his chair in too, and did the walk of shame as he followed Mei into the corridor.

"The toilet downstairs is broken, so just go upstairs. Last door on your right." She explained, pointing upstairs. "Don't tell Akane this, but we all know he was the one who broke it."

Amane nodded and headed in the direction she was pointing in, quite quickly, afraid he wouldn't make it, especially with such small information. Last as in the closest last or the furthest last?

"Wait." She grinned. "I just want to say, welcome to the family, Amane."

Amane smiled back with a thankful expression. He was warming up quite fast, and enjoyed the comfortable energy everyone brought to the table. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad, he thought.


After very little searching, Amane found the bathroom and used it. While he dried his hands on a towel, a muffled groan could be heard from nearby. Amane jerked his head around, wondering if someone he didn't know was watching him.. maybe that "Kou" figure 6 mentioned.

After confirming it was no one, he made his way back down the hall towards the stairs, a short walk, only like 9 seconds. But while he was walking, even over his own foot steps, Amane heard the groan again and someone shushing.

"Teru-nii.. it hurts.." Someone moaned, Amane looked at all the doors. He was lured to find out where it was coming from.

"Shh, I know Kou, I hear you." Said another voice, different but similar.

Amane saw which door it was, the only one that wasn't completely closed. A crack was open and Amane peered through it. Although the lights were turned off, Amane saw one boy sitting down and another resting on his lap, clutching the older ones shirt.

"I'm gonna puke.." Said the younger one. Amane put two and two together and realised he must be the sick one 6 and Mei mentioned, Kou.

"No you're not, it's okay." Said the other one. What did Kou call him again? Teru?

Kou let out a long, strained groan followed by a cough. Teru continued to stroke his sweaty hair and rub his back.

Amane watched for another minute or so before realising what he was doing. Showing up to his new family and stalking the existing residents. He didn't want to be seen so he stepped back and flew down the stairs, bracing himself before entering a room. Not the dining room, crud, already lost on day 1.


"Amane-san!" Nene cheerfully called, fully sliding open the door to the room a distressed Amane was in.

"Oh.. you alright? We thought you might have fell in the toilet, so I went to go look for you but you weren't there." Nene giggled.

"Sorry.. I got lost.. and.." Amane mumbled, humiliated. He was sitting in the middle of the laundry, eyes teary.

"It's okay, Tsuchi wants to talk to you! He's in his study, come with me." Nene twinkled, reaching for his hand to pull him up, but Amane pulled away.

Amane shook his head and stood up.

"Oh." Nene said, a little awkward silence was there.

"AMANE!!!" Tsukasa squealed, running into the laundry to hug his brother. "We're sharing a room! Come, come! They have space bed sheets! Come on!!"

"Alright.. alright.." Amane smiled, following his brother. He only glanced back at Nene who was now the one staring at him blankly, rubbing her hand Amane refused to take.

"What a way to ruin the surprise.." Nene grumbled, about to leave. But she stopped in her tracks when she noticed a small rock in Amane's place.

"Yuck, boys are so dirty.." Nene retched, picking it up as if it was a dead limb. She tossed it out the window and shut the door behind her.

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