Chapter 34

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I got so many knocks on the head that day I was surprised when they didn't find any cracks on my skull. I had just a concussion and a few stitches. I ended up staying in the hospital three days for observation. Thankfully, my dad was at our place so Ava didn't have to be alone all these days. We told them that I was lightly injured because I didn't want to scare them.

Upon returning to DC, I had a week of medical leave and Hotch gave me an extra one after that. That gave me plenty of time to weight my options, think about the future and have some serious talks with Emily. In the end, we came up with the best decision for all three of us at the moment.

We started the process already, but there are multiple steps to take in a short time and some are harder than others. Like today's step which is one of the last things we have to take care of...

I visit the bureau two days before I am supposed to start again. I meet Emily who's been expecting me by her desk. I kiss her quickly and then greet everyone else who was at the bullpen at the time.

"I'll go talk to Hotch and then we're off" I say to Emily. "Did you warn him?"

"I didn't have the chance to yet. So take your time and I'll tell the others" she answers

"Alright, good luck".

I make my way to his office and knock. I let myself in at his response and close the door behind me.

"Hello, Natalie. How are you doing?" he asks

"I am doing good, considering. How are you?" I respond as I take a seat across from him

"Good. What brings you here? You have two more days if I remember correctly"

"Of course you remember correctly. I just wanted to come by and give you this in person this time" I hand him a file as I speak.

The file contains mine and Emily's resignation letters. His expression softens as his eyes return to me.

"London?" he asks

"Yes" I answer surprised

"I heard that they wanted Prentiss. I am not happy to let you two go, but I am glad you are not splitting for this"

"Me too. We are rushing the move a lot to get there before the school year starts for Ava, so we don't have everything figured out yet, but I think it is time for me to take a break from the job after the whole situation two weeks ago" I explain

"I understand" he replies. "Well, I will put the letters in and let you know when they are processed"

It's official.

"Great" I reply as I stand in order to leave before my tears come in. I am going to be a mess saying goodbye to Penelope for sure.

He stands as well and walks around the desk. "Thank you for everything" I say, with tears already glossing my vision

"Thank you" he says back, shaking my hand. "If you ever need anything, you know where to find us"

"Actually, there is one last thing I could use you for..." I tease.

"Are you going to tell me?" he asks, waiting through my pause

"Of course, I was just holding back for dramatic effect".


I walk out of the door, already late for our appointment at the courthouse. I wish I could take the cats with me on for this but they don't allow pets in there.

"You're late" Hotch says as I get in his car

"I know. Drive" I order him.

He looks past my tone and drives. We get to the courthouse about 15 minutes later. I fix my suit as I step out of the car and we head up the stairs. I meet Emily on top and her face lights up immediately. She is wearing a total black three-piece suit that fits her figure like a glove.

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