Chapter 4

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The first month flew by quicker than I originally thought. My weekly program involves work, sleep, and maybe a drink if we have free time. Honestly, that is all I need at the moment. After the fiasco of my last relationship, I am pretty hesitant to start over because it already feels exhausting. I do sound like a workaholic, but at least my feelings remain protected. And I prefer to exhaust myself physically rather than emotionally.

My mom doesn't get that and insists that starting a family will fix me. For the last 15 years, she and my sister haven't stopped talking about how much family means and how healing babies are. But how am I supposed to raise a good and healthy human when I am barely taking care of myself. I have tried to explain it to them, and they always call me selfish for it -I don't believe that.

My job is fulfilling, especially my current one. I have dreamed of being here since I attended one of Agent Rossi's lectures a few years ago as an Agent in the Boston field office. After that I went to every lecture and took every course they offered. All my extra work paid off when after closing a major case Agent Hotchner called me with a job offer.

I was stressed about my adjustment to the team, but all my anxiety washed away when Emily entered that conference room. Her voice and her wide smile always makes me breathe a little easier.

"Yes, I am fine. I just poured myself a glass of wine and sat down. Hey, remember the kitten we found on my car the other day?" I talk on the phone as I tickle the ginger/blonde animal that lies on my lap

"I do" Emily replies

"I took him to the vet today, and he is officially mine" I announce

"Congratulations!" she exclaims. "Have you picked out a name?"

"Ginger? Pumpkin? Biscuit? Cookie?" I suggest, almost waiting for a reaction from the cat when he hears the name she likes

"Does it have to be food?" she chuckles

"Yes" I insist.

I put her on speaker and I take a photo of the cat as I stratch his little belly. I send it to Emily and I set my phone down again.

"He is so cute"

"What do you think? Is he a Ginger? Or is he a Cookie?" I ask and I take a sip of my wine

"I can't decide for you"

"You are being very unhelpful tonight, Em" I sigh.

The cat leaves my lap, making me feel bad for sighing at Emily. He meows like he is cursing at me.

"Men..." I chuckle

"Cats are better than men. Sergio doesn't pull the covers and he poops in the box"

"We are still working on that"

"Keep an eye out for sniffing the ground and meowing. It usually means he is going to pee"

"Yeah, we went into the litter box twice yesterday, but we also peed at the hallway this morning" I mention

"That is progress" she encourages

"Yeah, it's better than having to clean up after him all day. And that sentence sounds a hundred times more appropriate when we're talking about a cat, rather than a man"

"You were cleaning after a man?"

"Well, there was that one guy... He didn't know how to do his laundry--"

"You are not his mom, Nat!"

"I wasn't. That is why I left after the first time he pulled that stunt on me. A dick isn't worth all that".

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