Chapter 26

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The first night with Ava at my house went by uneventfully. I set her up in the guestroom which will be turned into her room soon. The following day, we went shopping for clothes and other necessities, including things to decorate and fill her new room. Hopefully, it will start feeling like hers soon. I also showed her around the neighborhood, so she can get by when I have to be away. She is a good kid, she has proven that she can take care of herself, and I just have to make sure she has money in case she needs to make a quick run to the grocery store or go out on those days. In theory, everything looks good.

It has been three days now, and our roomate situation seems to be going well. I am supposed to go back to work today and I am a little nervous to leave her alone in her vulnerable state. Emily -who also lives here at this pont- left earlier than me today.

"I told you, I will be just fine. I have gotten plenty of books to keep me busy" she insists

"I know, I just... Promise me you'll be ok" I say as I take her hand

"I promise" she replies

"Good. You can call me at any time" I repeat for the hundredth time as I grab my go-bag and my briefcase. "There are prepared meals in the fridge that you can heat up whenever you want, plenty of snacks, and everything is stocked, but if you need anything else you remember where the grocery store is. Money are on the counter, your fresh keys are right by the door, please keep me updated if you decide to go out, and please don't burn the place down by the time I'm back"

"Noted" she chuckles. "Have a good day"

"You too".

I open the front door and to my surprise, I hear an argument from some place in the building. Ignoring it, I lock my front door and I head to the elevator. I get to the lobby, and I see the man fighting with the receptionist.

I leave for the parking lot but he follows me. "What do you want here, Jared?" I ask, feeling my anger build already

"Where is my daughter?" he asks as he comes closer to me.

He is 6 feet tall and big, but luckily I have taken down stronger and smarter men than him.

"Took you three whole days to notice she is not in your home anymore? How did you even find where I live?"

"Your mama told us. Where is Ava?"

"You kicked her out, so it is non of your business. She will stay wherever she wants" I answer finally

"My lawyer will get you in for child abduction if you don't give her to me" he threatens

"And I will get you in for assault of a federal agent if you don't step back right now". I don't break eye-contact.

Maybe this is the way to get rid of them...

"You will never see her again. She is ecstatic about staying away from you. She is at her best with her new girlfriend. She is--"

He punches me in the jaw. Immediately, I grab his arm and I twist it behind his back with all my strength. "Jared Miller, you are under arrest" I read him his right as I put cuffs on him.

I keep twisting his arm in order to make him get in my car. I cuff his cuffs with another pair on the handle of the inside of the door in order to minimize the risk that he'll hurt me. All while he is cursing at me.

"And I didn't even need to use my gun" I chuckle as I get in the driver's seat. His punch cut my lower lip open which stinks like hell, but I have to take care of him.

"Be quiet for a second and it will be to your benefit later" I tell him as I make a call and put my phone on speaker


"Good morning. Please ignore the male voice cursing at me from the back seat as I am driving. Are you at the bureau already?" I ask

"Yes. What is going on?" he answers

"Make sure there is an available interrogation room for me. I will be there in 20 minutes"

"What did you do, Harper?" I hear his sigh

"Nothing yet. See you there" I hang up.

I put on loud music to distract myself from the urge to punch Jared and make him shut up. Thankfully, Hotch didn't only arrange for an interrogation room, he also sent a team of agents down there to drag the angry guy he heard over the phone.

I meet him when the elevator opens on the 6th floor. "What happened?" he asks, in a very serious tone

"He attacked me" I point at my lip and bruising jaw

"Nat!" Emily calls as she runs to me. "Are you ok?"

"I'll be find. I'm just thankful Ava didn't see this go down" I answer

"Her dad?" she asks


"What are you planning to do with him?" Hotch redirects the conversation

"Let him sit in there for the day. He is going to yell, try to break out and throw multiple tantrums. But like any child, he will get tired and calm down in a few hours. I'll talk to him then, and see if I can make something good out of this situation" I explain

"Alright. Just keep it clean and don't let it get out too much"

"Yes, sir".

In fact, I let him sit in there for the whole day. The others travelled to a case in Seattle, but I stayed in Virginia and assisted from here. Only when I was done with work, I went to see Jared.

I get through security and I find him sleeping, with his head on the table of the room. I walk in the room, slamming the door closed. He jumps and I slam the file I was holding on the table in front of him.

"You give me custody of Ava and I let you walk. Read it. Think about it. And I will be back in the morning" I say and I turn to leave

"I want my phone call and a lawyer" he demands, dismissing the file

"And I want to be in peace but we can't always get what we want" I sigh.

"I have rights!" he raises his voice

I chuckle. "You lost all your rights and respect the moment you kicked Ava out of the house. Now, you have to suffer the coincidences"

"This is illegal"

"Oh, don't act like the saint here. I am sure CPS will have a field day when I report child abandonment, and trust me, they'll take my word for it. Have a good night". I leave without waiting for his response. I just want to see Ava right now.


A/N: New Hotch X OC book is coming very soon. Office romance, enemies to lovers, tension, secret moments in crowded rooms... 🤫

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