Chapter 16

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"Two DC home torched, two families, on the same night last night" Penelope says as she shows us the pictures. "Ron and Lauren Casenza and their 10-year-old son were found in the master bedroom of their home. Each shot through the forehead, and the gun belonged to the father"

"Murder-suicide?" I ask

"Metro PD's investigation is going that way, but it's still the first 48 hours. They want our help" Hotch answers.

"Kerry and Frank Fagan, like the Cosenzas, were found charred in their master bedroom from a suspected gas leak" Penelope adds

"It had to be massive to cause that kind of explosion" Spencer speaks.

"Any connections?" Morgan asks

"Only one; a continent. Mr. Cosenza was from Italy. Mrs. Fagan was from Germany" she answers.

"I'm sorry I'm late" I hear her voice as she walks in but I don't lift my eyes from my tablet. I pretend to not care even though my chest feels like it is going to explode.

I keep quiet for the rest of the briefing. I stand first as soon as Hotch assign us and lets us go. I hear steps following me, but I don't stop. I get to my desk and I prepare my things in order to go to the first crime scene.

"Natalie--" Emily calls quietly as she reaches me

"I am busy" I reply, grabbing my briefcase

"You have a moment" she insists

"Maybe. But I don't have the energy to do this right now"

"I am not cheating" she says, following me to the elevator.

I ignore her and stay quiet as I wait for the doors to open.

"Alright. You don't want to talk but you are going to listen to me. The moment this case is over you will give me 5 minutes and I am going to explain everything to you. EVERYTHING. And then you'll decide if you are done".

I want to give her the chance to explain it. But will I believe her? Should I believe her? What is so big she couldn't tell me last week and decided to do it now? Did she come up with a convincing excuse? I know I always expects the worst case scenario, but I'd rather stay cautious and ready than be taken by surprise. I get enough unpleasant surprises at work.

The elevator's doors open and I step inside. "I love you" Emily says, staying on the other side.

I'd rather stay cautious and ready than be taken by surprise.

It rips my heart to open my mouth and say it... "I don't care" I reply to Emily as the doors close.

I close my eyes and my lips shake in a silent sob. Did I dodged a bullet or just lost the love of my life?


Despite the burning in my chest, I kept my distance for Emily the rest of the day. But that was until the afternoon when Penelope found a common phone number that both murdered families contacted, even though they never came in contact themselves. And thanks to my luck, I was sent to check it out with Emily.

She grabbed the keys of the SUV first, so I let her drive. I had no intention to argue again. Thankfully, she stayed silent too during the ride.

I am feeling so many things at the same time that I can't process. Everything is so complicated in my head. I love Emily. I really care for her. But I don't want to get hurt for it. I don't want to be lied to. I don't want to be kept in the dark, like she has been doing for this last month.

Earlier, she asked me to give her 5 minutes to explain. I don't have to believe her. I just have to listen and then I'll decide. Or I'll be even more confused... What does one do when they don't know if it is time to trust or go?

"We're here" Emily says, bringing my attention back to the present.

I nod and I get out of the car at the same time as her. "Are you sure this is it?" I wonder, looking at the house and noticing the absence of any kind of light

"Garcia never got an answer, so maybe nobody is home yet" she assumes.

Suddenly, the door opens and a masked man appears. I see his hand reach for a gun. "Down!" I shout and I run to the other side of the car that is not facing the house.

Emily stays crouched behind one wheel and I stay behind the other as the masked men start shooting at us. Emily tries to take a peak but I pull her down.

"Are you fucking crazy?" I ask pissed

"I got it"


My protest goes unnoticed as she follows the men and shoots at their direction. I curse her and join her. She shoots one but the rest manage to run into their van and drive away.

"Were you always this suicidal?" I ask

"Were you always this scared?".

I roll my eyes at her as I call Hotch to update him on the situation.

This incident left a lot of clues behind, which brought us back to the conference room for another meeting late at night.

"Ian Doyle" Hotch gives us a name as he returns from his urgent meeting with the CWS. "We need to find every person he's ever come in contact with"

"Here it says that he has been away for 7 years. Where was he locked up?" Rossi asks

"Have you heard of him during your time with Interpol?" Hotch asks Emily

"Heard, yes. But I have never had direct contact. Rumor was he was kept in Russia. But my associates there believed he was actually in a political prison near Haengyong-ni in North Korea. Camp 22. Kwan-li-so. North Korea denies it exists" she explains.

"All I can tell you for sure is that he was never married, had multiple residences, and was arrested at his Tascan villa" Penelope reads us from her laptop

"There's paperwork to back that up?" Emily asks and I notice her picking on her nails under the table. That's her nervous tick.

"Yes. And a list of who was there that day"

"Those people need to be warned that he is on the warpath"

"Reid is doing that now".

"I can look more into the day of his arrest. There may be photos or even surveillance footage from the sedans. They usually record everything" I suggest

"Yes, do that" Hotch agrees.

Morgan walks in the room. "Double homicide on K and 9th. Victim's apartment looks like a black market forger. They want us to take a look" he says

"The other victim?" Emily asks, with the slightest change in her eyes

"Female. 30's. No ID. Outside his door"

"I'm coming with you".

The two of them leave. I go to my desk shortly after to look into my own task. Emily walks by my desk on her way out. Her eyes look so lost since Hotch brought up that name, and even more since Morgan walked in with the latest news.

"Are you ok?" I ask as soon as she is in earshot. "I noticed you fidgeting earlier"

"I'm good" she answers, softly.

I nod. "One chance. 5 minutes to explain when all this is over. And then we'll see where we go from there" I say confidently

"Sounds good" she smiles slightly. "I'll see you later" a hint of uncertainty decorates her voice. However, I don't have time to question it as other teams arrive at the bullpen and we have to brief them on the situation as well.

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