Chapter 9

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After the incident, we returned to the hotel for the night because even though the case is over, the weather cast reported a thunderstorm after midnight. So we are flying back tomorrow morning, if the weather clears as predicted.

Hotch promised me a week off when we get to Quantico, which I gladly accepted. That is why I decided to pull an all-nighter and finish up my reports as early as possible. Luckily for him, I injured my non-dominant hand, otherwise he'd have to do them for me.

Around midnight, my phone lights up. I let my pen down to check it. It's a message from Emily asking if I'm awake. I reply and put it down.

A second later, there is a knock on my door. My phone lights up again with a new text to open the door. I get up and I make my way there.

"You should be resting, Nat" she says as soon as she sees me

"You should too actually. I'm just finishing up before my week off work" I explain. "What can I do for you?" I wonder

"A lot actually... But for now, I brought you food"

"You did? But I didn't--"

"Yeah. I didn't see you eat anything" she insists as she offers me one of the two bags.

"Thank you. Come in" I open the door further to let her inside

The table has papers all over it so I sit on the bed. I pat the spot across from me so Emily would come too. I open my bag as she sits with me.

"Oh, yeah. Chicken tenders and fries..." I almost moan

"Every 5-year-old's favorite"

"I like what I like. You shouldn't be complaining about my taste and preferences" I point out, making eye contact with her

"I see..." she chuckles. "So, Hotch is giving you the rest of the week off" she mentions as we start eating

"Yes, he is. And that is for the best probably. My chest still hurts when I breathe heavily, and that big purple bruise on my chest will take a long time to leave. No V-neck's for a while" I say

"Now that's a true tragedy"

"Is it? I mean, there is not much to show anyway"

"There is when you decide not to wear a bra, like right now..." she avoids to look at my chest.

I can feel my nipples harden against my thin t-shirt at the fact that I'm turning her on. And, for a moment, the thought of her hands on me crosses my mind. I let out a long but silent breath and I stuff my mouth with more fries.

"I can see the gears turning, Nat. Say it" she speaks

"It's nothing"

"Nat..." she tilts her head.

I swallow my last bite and I let the half-eaten tender down. "I can't stop thinking about you, Emily. Your hands, your lips... The way I lit up when you whispered in my ear earlier--"

She reaches over and crushes our mouths together. I kiss her back and it's everything. It feels even better than I remembered and I can't recall why I haven't been doing this the whole time. Was work that important anyway?

She wraps her arms around my lower waist and brings me closer to her. We are still on the bed, both standing on our knees. Her one knee is between mine and I have the urge to rub myself against it. Her hands never stay on the same spot for too long. She touches every single part of me.

"Wait..." I breathe out. "Should we-"

"What?" she asks, rubbing my waist

"Maybe we should slow down. Go for dinner first, or-"

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