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7 years later

It has been so many years since the last time I walked inside this building. Emily and I try to visit the States every year, but the last two years have been really busy for us. So, we booked a trip without telling anyone and decided to surprise them. That's why I'm in the bureau today.

The elevator stops on the 6th floor. The doors open and I push the stroller as I get on the floor.

"Oh my God!"

"Hello to you too, Penelope" I reply as I hug her

"When did you get here? No one told me you were coming. And I've been-- Oh my God, this must be Ryan. He is even cuter in person! I mean with your girls' genes it was impossible not to" she says as she leans to the stroller

"Yeah, Emily's genes completely took over here and I am not complaining" I confirm.

Emily and I started IVF 3 years ago. From the beginning, she was set on the fact that she didn't want to experience pregnancy. That was ok because I was fine with doing it for us. My work was not as important as hers, and now I absolutely love being a stay at home mom for Ryan.

"Hi, yes, we're talking about you, handsome" Pen talks to Ryan and he smiles. "Is Emily coming too?"

"Yes, she's parking the car. No more FBI parking lot pass for us"

"Right. Well, come inside..." she opens the door to the bullpen for me

"Thank you".

"Surprise" she announces as she lets me in.

Everyone on the team drops what they were doing and come to greet me. I hug everyone one by one and answer their questions. But Ryan starts crying due to the crowd and the voices. So, I pick him up and continue to talk with the others.

"Natalie Harper, long time" Rossi says as he appears from his office with Hotch

"It has, in fact" I reply as I side hug him

"How is my man?" Hotch asks, referring to Ryan

"Moody. His teeth are coming in"

"Oh, I remember those days..." he replies as he puts hand sanitizer on.

He offers to take Ryan from me. "That's right, time to repay all that free babysitting of Jack" I remind him. "How is he?" I as

"He's well" he answers

"Any girlfriends?"

"Stop" he shakes his head smiling. "How's Ava?"

"She's good. She just started her residency program. What else did I miss around here?" I wonder

"Savannah and I are expecting!" Morgan announces

"Oh my God, congratulations!" I hug him again. "That must be so exciting"

"It is exciting and stressful" he confirms

"I bet" I reply.

"The kid got a girlfriend" Rossi outs Reid

"He's a grown man now" I say

"Thank you" Reid replies to me.

"Rossi became a silver fox" JJ points at his hair

"I see that. It looks great. It's slowly becoming a trend around here"

"How so?" he asks

"Oh, you haven't seen my wife, have you?" I smile and almost bite my lip.

"You called?" she asks as she appears from behind me. She rests her hand on my back and I kiss her.

"Wow. Grey looks great on you, Em" JJ says as they greet each other

"Thank you. I got tired of coloring it and Nat encouraged me to embrace it"

"Best decision you've ever made other than marrying me", I kiss her.

"Are you, guys, busy? We were thinking of grabbing dinner" Emily suggests.

Everyone looks at Hotch, waiting for an answer. It takes a few seconds for Hotch to notice because he is playing with baby Ryan. "I hate to do this now, but we can definitely schedule something for later. Cruz needs the reports today" he says

"8pm at my mansion. I'll have a whole three course meal ready. You're all invited" Rossi says

"Works for us" I confirm


So, we regrouped at Rossi's house later that evening. Friends, partners, kids, everyone was there. It was just like the night of our wedding where we were all so happy. Despite the changes in everyone's lives over the last 7 years, it felt like we never left. Because we are all part of this constantly growing family and that is one the best gifts life could ever bring us.


"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction"
~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

The end.

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