Chapter 12

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Days pass very quickly when you are happy, even when you have to look at dead bodies because of work. Every time I look at Emily, something in my chest flutters and I go calm. The time we spent together in between cases or even at the hotels we stay the nights away have brought us together more than I could have ever imagined.

Some would say that this is simply the honeymoon phase, but I don't care. I know it feels different than anything other relationship I've ever had. I am having the time of my life. She makes me feel so good and comfortable. I am not afraid to speak to her about what is on my mind every minute of every day because I know she will listen to me without any judgment.

I do my best to return to her as much as she gives me. The care, the attention, and the mind-blowing orgasms she can bring me. I never imagined myself so obsessed with a woman and now I wonder why I wasted so much time. Sometimes I catch myself wondering if I was always this way. Did I always look at women this way? Was any other friend of mine flirting with me and I just looked past it?

Then again, it doesn't matter now. Maybe all that was supposed to happen in order for me to get here -in a great relationship- and there is no reason to look back in time.

So, in order to keep things as good as they are currently, Emily and I have set a rule to go on a regular and complete date at least once a week. This way we won't lose touch with each other, while also living together.

Last night was the first time our date got interrupted by a work call. To be honest, we were both expecting it to happen earlier than the two-month mark of our relationship. I wish we could just turn our phones off when we are together, but we agree that it wouldn't be right. However, I am glad we have this mutual understanding when it comes to work.

14 hours later, and we are all gathered in a conference room at New York's field office, trying to come up with that one connection that will unravel this whole case. There is nothing more infuriating than having no clue what to do while knowing a child is missing and another one is dead.

Both abductions happened within 36 hours and the victims were from the same school. No signs of struggle or torture. Mary Johnson died quickly due to blunt forced trauma to the head a few hours after her abduction and was found carefully wrapped in a blanket outside the school. It was nighttime and there were no witnesses or security footage. By the morning, the next victim, Jessica Welling, was reported missing by her parents.

We have a very strong suspect, one of the teachers, Elisabeth Davis. She lost her own daughter 3 years ago in a car crash where she was driving. The current victims resemble her daughter and her colleagues have noticed she has been closer to those students since her return to work, by giving them more attention, getting them gifts, etc. But all that is circumstantial and we need more solid evidence to bring her in, since she is refusing to give a statement.

There is something we are missing. There is something... I rub my eyes and look at the evidence board for the millionth time.

"I feel the need to remind everyone that if you feel tired, you can go take a few hours of sleep" Hotch says.

Everyone in the conference ignores him. I feel Emily nudge me from under the round table, but I ignore her as well and I sip on my third energy drink. I leave it empty, so I stand up to go get myself another one. I hear steps follow me to the vending machine and I don't have to turn to see who it is.

"How about some water?" she suggests

"I'm fine"

"You're not. None of us is".

I close my eyes and I take a deep breath. I open my eyes again and I get ready to put money in the vending machine.

"Please, Nat. I don't want to lose you of heart failure" she half-jokes.

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