Chapter Four: A Welcomed Surprise.

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Chapter Four: A Welcomed Surprise.

I slowly awake to a faint humming noise, "Nooooo...Shhhh.., back to dream land" I mumbled. The humming was becoming increasingly loud forcing me away from the prince in my dream. I look to find my phone on my bedside table buzzing persistently. Someone's desperate to talk to me I have five missed calls...from Luke? I hear myself question. Who is Luke? I immediately text this mystery guy back;

 'Hey sorry I missed your calls; I can't talk at the mo but text me anytime. Do you mind telling me who this is?' Its then that I realise that I've already texted him...I didn't write that. Then it dawned on me - Ruby. I'm going to kill her. I text her with a warning: 'Ruby you have some explaining to do missy. who's Luke and how has he got my number?!x'

Within seconds a reply came in: "He's the guy from the store I saw you gawking at. He goes to our uni so be nice, make conversation and just see where it leads ;) I'm here if you ever want advice xxx'

I know she is just trying to help but seriously, this is a little extreme. I'm only 18 I have the rest of my life to find someone. I bet she just wants me to loose my V-Plates already - it's not that im not 'ready' its that I want it to be with someone I actually care about.

The thought was pushed aside once I received another text: 'Hey, I gave my number to your mate (Ruby) hope it's ok? I'm Luke, we met earlier in Ralf Lauren...I was the one attempting to flirt with you, but it appears as though I've failed as you can't seem to remember me x'

I sigh, I remember you...of course I remember you. You’re out of my league.

'Ahh yeah I remember, you were flirting? Righht ok you may need to practice that. Ruby said you go to our uni? Frankie'

There was another buzz; 'ok well ill try my best to improve for you. I'm in my second year there. I have my 20th coming up soon you should come along to my bash, bring your mate if you want :) Luke x'

Shit is that already him asking me on a date? No - it's too soon, he's just being polite; 'Ok we will try to be there just text me the details, talk soon - Frankie'

That evening I rang Ruby and updated her with the details and gossiped about all the things going on around campus. It was a longer call than usual but it didn't feel like it, of course she managed to get me to apologise to her for over reacting whilst she got off scot-free. Honestly she knows how to trick me.


"Aghhh" I shot up out of bed finding myself screaming. I stare at the clock and check my heart beat by raising my sweaty palm over my chest. Shit. It was just a bad dream... It's 3am and I just lie there motionless staring blankly with wide eyes at the mirror in front of my bed. I feel myself shaking uncontrollably and it's frightening me.

"Hushh" what? Who said that? I scanned my room but no one was there. Undetectable noises, murmurs, filled my empty room. I looked out of the window checking that no one was outside - all clear. My hand threw itself up towards my mouth, trying to shut myself up, trying to keep quiet to hear even the smallest of noises...but nothing. I take a quick drink of water, shake the nonsense thoughts away and try to settle back into bed. Maybe It just me imagining it...I eventually drifted back to sleep.


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Heidi xx

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