Back To School

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Burkhardt Household

Nick opened the door to my room. I was still sound asleep from last night. I couldn't shake the feeling something happened last night? Or that something was supposed to happen. I was gonna get me, Scott and Stiles home sooner, but I took a different road. Just felt... safer.

Nick sighed when he saw the state of my room. I did a lot of reading last night. Bestiaries and Journals of previous Grimms were scattered around my room. "Come on, bud. You ready for school?"

I groaned and turned around in my bed, "No."

Nick made his way around the room, stepping over books and pages. He then sat beside me on my bed, "You alright?" he asked.

I sat up with my blanket still covering me, "Scott and Stiles' parents are kind being protective of them." I explained.

A small smile grew on Nick's face, as if he was about to laugh, "Expected. I'm assuming you want the same treatment?"

I let out a loud laugh, "Not at all. Just wondering why you don't?"

"Why would I? You can handle yourself."

"And Juliette?"

Nick let out a loud laugh, "I feel sorry for anyone that actually tries to attack Juliette. She can do waaay more than just handle herself, Matt."

My eyes widened. I knew Juliette could somewhat handle herself, but the way Nick put it... I'm  honestly a bit more afraid of her. Nick got up as he slapped my knee, "That all?" I nodded my head, "Good. Better get going now."

I knew I had to get going to school now. Nick was busy making his way towards my door to leave. As Nick was walking out, he realized he stepped onto a loose paper. He lifted his foot and looked down at the page he stepped on. It was a picture of a woman. He knew exactly who the woman was. He looked around himself, seeing just books and pages relating to her. He picked up the page and held in on display in front of me, "Why're you looking into Katherine Pierce?"

"Oh. That. Uhh, I sorta ran into it and wanted to look into it. She's pretty popular in the supernatural world, isn't she?"

Nick turned the picture back towards himself, "That's an understatement."

"Lost track around 1978. Grimm found her. She managed to get a whole town to try and kill the Grimm without even compelling them and them doing it in their own free will. There's only like, 10 sources of when she appeared in the, like 300 years she's lived." Nick folded the paper then threw it on my lap, "And people still haven't found her. She's really a survivor, isn't she?"

"...Yeah." Something about the way Nick said that told me enough. He knew more about Katherine than he was letting on. "Get dressed. We gotta go."

He then left. When I showered and got dressed, I stared at the folded photo of Katherine. I took it then put in my pocket before I left for school.

Beacon Hills High School

Nick parked right beside the school. "Thanks." I told him. I was about to open the door when Nick grabbed my arm.

"Just be careful."

I small smile grew on my face, "I will be. Besides." I took a small knife and steak from my jacket that I wore. "I'm ready if anyone decides to try anything."

Nick smiled and let go of me. I opened the door and left. 

Nick watched Matt go. After seeing him enter the school, he also saw Allison enter from behind him. He looked back in front of himself to see... the Argent's car. He noticed in the rear-view mirror, Chris Argent. And he was looking directly at Nick.

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