Beeware of the Magic Bullet (Part 7)

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Hank was on the phone as he grabbed a piece of paper, "Got it. Thanks." he said to the other person on the phone before hanging up. He began to walk past Nick and Matt and Stiles followed behind him as Hank continued to talk, "No credit card activity, no travel, no sign of Melissa Wincroft in the system." he said.

"She's got no known family." Nick added.

"She's got no friends? Nothing?" Stiles asked as well.

"Well, we know about John Coleman and Doug Shellow, but I doubt she's gonna be calling them." Nick answered.

They all paused and looked at Nick, who clearly had an idea which they didn't like, "That look usually gets people in trouble." Matt told him, pointing at him.

"Well, she might not be getting in touch with them. What if they got in touch with her?" Nick suggested.

"Shellow is not cooperating until he sees a lawyer." Hank replied. 

Matt then joined the conversation, "Well, we don't necessarily need him to cooperate. We just need him to do what he does best - send a message. And he doesn't know you guys are protecting Adalind." he said, Hank looking at him now.

"And neither does Melissa Wincroft." Hank added.

Later at another interrogation room

Doug Shellow was sitting alone in the room and Nick entered it with a plastic bag in hand, "Hey, Doug. How you doing? You hungry?" Nick sarcastically asked, leaning onto the table so their faces were close to each other. Doug leaned his head away, not talking at all, "You and I have some unfinished business." Nick added before walking around the table to the other chair, "So, why don't we pick up where we left off?" Nick asked, sitting onto the chair as he took out a phone - Doug's phone. He held it up before putting the phone in-between them, "You were about to show me tweets." Nick said.

Doug leaned closer to Nick, "Tweet this. I don't have to do anything until my lawyer gets here." he said before leaning back.

Nick rolled his eyes and replied, "Oh, Doug... We have you at the scene of the crime. We tailed you to a meeting with our prime suspect. You will do seven to ten on conspiracy alone, no matter how good your lawyer is... So, why do you wanna keep protecting Melissa Wincroft?" Nick asked. He then paused for Doug to say something, but he said nothing and simply breathed heavily. "There's gonna be another victim, isn't there? Tell me..." he leaned in, "Who is it?" he asked again, but Doug kept his mouth shut, "Doug, come on, do yourself a favor. Who is Melissa Wincroft's next target?" Nick asked again.

Suddenly, Hank opened the door, "Nick, Sheriff needs to see you." Hank told him.

"Hank, I'm in the middle of something-" Nick was quickly cut off by Hank.

"Now." Hank ordered.

Nick sighed and looked back at Doug with a glare, "This isn't over." he said before getting up and leaving the room with Hank and the phone lying on the table. Doug watched them go and then looked back at the phone.

Behind the glass, Sheriff Stilinski, Stiles, a cop, and Matt were keeping an eye on Doug before Nick and Hank walked inside. "Oscar-worthy performance, DeNiro." Sheriff Stilinski complemented.

"Middle-School Drama Club." Nick said with a smile, prideful of his performance.

They all then looked at Doug through he glass, "This better work." Sheriff said.

"It will. It's in his nature." Nick replied, patiently waiting for Doug to pick up the phone. 

They all patiently waited, "Come on, Doug. Phone's right there, buddy. Take the bait." Matt said silently to himself. Doug was staring at the window until looking back at the phone and sighing. Ultimately, he gave up and began typing on the phone with one hand as it still lied on the table.

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