Heart Monitor (Part 3)

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Matt, Stiles and Scott walked onto the field. Stiles held a lacrosse stick as Matt held the bag. Matt threw it onto a bench and they all stopped at it, "Okay." Stiles said. He sat down on it as Matt and Scott waited, "Now..." he pulled out what seemed like a heart monitor, "Put this on." he then handed it to Scott.

Scott analyzed it and realized what it was, "...Isn't this one of the heart rate monitors for the track team?" he asked.

"Stole it?" Scott asked pointedly. 

"Temporarily misappropriated!" Stiles replied as he looked up at Scott.

"Look, we're only using it for now. We'll return it later." Matt added. Stiles pointed at Matt with his one arm while still looking at Scott, telling him he agreed with him.

"Look, Coach uses it to monitor his heart rate with his phone while he jogs, and you're gonna wear it for the rest of the day." Stiles explained.

Scott then noticed a phone in Matt's hand, realizing it wasn't his phone, it was the Coach's, "Isn't that Coach's phone?" he asked.

"That... we stole." Stiles said and licked his lips from nervousness.

"Why?" Scott asked.

"All right, well, your heart rate goes up when you go wolf, right? When you're playing lacrosse, when you're with Allison, whenever you get angry... Maybe learning to control it is tied to learning to control your heart rate." Stiles explained as Matt nodded along.

"Like The Incredible Hulk?" Scott said in realization with a smile.

Matt shrugged, "Sure, like The Incredible Hulk, yeah."  he said.

"No, I'm like The Incredible Hulk." Scott continued, finding this in some sort of way, cool.

Stiles and Matt were now just annoyed, "Would you shut up and put the strap on?" Stiles ordered.


Matt was finishing up tying up Scott's hands behind his back and legs. They were in the middle of the field and Scott then said, "This isn't exactly how I wanted to spend my free period..."

Matt finished up and began to walk backwards towards Stiles, who had the bag of Lacrosse equipment next to him and was standing at afar. Stiles took out a Lacrosse stick as Matt stood by him, "All right. You ready?" Stiles asked.

"No." Scott replied in a disappointing tone.

"Remember, don't get angry." Matt added as he activated the monitor on the phone and laid it in the bag.

Stiles dropped a ball onto the ground and scooped it into the Lacrosse stick. He readied the throw, "I'm starting to think this was a really bad idea." Scott said to himself. Matt watched from the sidelines as Scott prepared himself for the throw and Stiles threw the ball. 

Scott groaned from the pain, almost falling to his knees as Stiles scooped up another one. Matt kept an eye on the monitor and it slowly began to increase, but not the the point where they had to worry. Stiles threw another one right into Scott's face and Scott again groaned, "Oh, man. Okay, that one kind of hurt..."

"Quiet. Remember, you're supposed to be thinking about your heart rate, all right? You should be trying to stay calm." Matt replied.

Stiles threw another one. Scott began to mutter under his breath, "Stay calm. Staying calm. Staying totally calm. There's no balls flying at my face-" Another one was sent flying into his face, making him groan. Scott saw Matt wasn't throwing and questioned them sarcastically, "And why exactly aren't you joining in on the fun?"

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