Fighting Back

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Lydia poured in a small bottle of a dusty substance into another bottle of some weird liquid substance. She stirred the bottle, "Jackson, hand me the sulfuric acid."

Jackson looked down between the 2 bottles in front of him. He looked in-between the 2 bottles, trying to figure out which one was the sulfuric acid. He hesitatingly grabbed the one on his right and handed it to Lydia. 

She poured it in then stirred it again before she put a cork on the bottle. She handed it to Scott, "No. No, this is insane. You can't do this. You cannot go out there." Allison objected from the other side of the table that me, Scott and Stiles were standing behind of.

"We can't just sit here waiting for Stiles' dad to check his messages." Scott replied.

"You could die. Don't you get that? He's killed three people." She leaned in over the table.

"And we're next. Somebody has to do something."

Scott began to walk off, but Allison stepped up to him and stopped him, making them face each other, "Scott, just stop..." There were tears in her eyes. She said tearfully, "Do you remember... Do you remember when you told me you knew whether or not I was lying? That I had a tell?" Scott nodded, "Well, so do you. You're a horrible liar, and you've been lying all night." I swear I noticed a smile of Jackson's face. "Just... Just please, please don't go. Please don't leave us. Please."

Tears were running down her eyes as she looked deep into Scott's. he didn't know what to do. he glanced at me, "Let's go. Lock it behind me." he said. He began to walk off as I followed, but Allison quickly pulled in back in for a deep kiss. I swear they were about to make out right in front of us. They separated and looked intently at each other. Allison shook her head slightly, still begging him not to go. He walked away with me following behind. I wanted to tell him to not come. That I'd do it alone. But there's was no way he'd let me do it alone. And we left.

Allison slowly turned around towards the rest of the group with tears in her eyes. Stiles leaned closer to Adalind, "Start the spell." he whispered.

She nodded her head and closed her eyes as she began muttering the spell under her breath.

Me and Scott slowly walked through the hallway. Scott had his Molotov cocktail in hand while I had Adalind's axe in mine. We walked down the stairs we got to this floor in the first place, and were now in the first floor. Suddenly, we heard growling coming from behind a corner behind us. We both froze. 

Adalind was struggling to hold the spell together. She was sweating heavily, making everyone beside Stiles wonder why this was happening to her. Stiles pulled Adalind away carefully into a corner where it was safe, "What's wrong?" he asked.

"I... I can't hold it for much longer..."

"But I read about Cloaking Spells. They're one of the easiest spells for witches."

"Again. For WITCHES. 1. I'm not a witch. This magic isn't designed for me. And 2. I had no preparation for this kind of spell... "

Matt and Scott hid behind a corner. They could hear the werewolf there down the hall. Matt leaned close to Scott, "Get out of here." I told him.

"What? No."

"What? Yes. Look, if we stay here and try to get out of here, it'll catch us. I can distract it or lead it away while you get to the janitor's body."

"Like hell. You won't survive."

I put my hands on his shoulders, "I'll find a way. Just run when it chases me. I have no plans on dying today."

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