The Tell (Part 5)

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The Burkhardt House

A punch was sent flying into Matt's face from Nick.

The 2 were currently in their backyard and Nick was teaching him how to fight. Matt stumbled back onto the ground and he groaned in pain. Matt held onto his nose as Nick took off his jacket, "Did you really have to punch that hard?" Matt asked.

Nick shrugged before throwing his jacket onto the steps leading into the back of the house, "It wouldn't be realistic enough." he replied with a smile.

Matt picked himself back up and held his fists up, but not in the right form. Nick noticed and walked over to Matt, who kept the same form. Nick put his hands on Matt's arms and began to put them in the right position, "You have to tuck your right hand against your chin and raise the other." he then bent Matt's knees by kicking them with his own knee, but only slightly, before continuing, "You also gotta bend your knees slightly so you don't fall over when you punch the person and you'll send stronger punches."

Nick now took a step back and walked to the front of Matt, who was not standing in the right form. Nick began to hold up his hand in front of him so Matt could punch it as he said, "Now, punch m-"

Matt suddenly punched Nick right in the face, causing him to stumble back. Matt covered his mouth from shock of what he just did as Nick collected himself and stood still, looking up at the sky and holding his nose, "I... am SO sorry. Was it too hard?" Matt apologized.

Nick looked back at Matt and sighed, "I was going to say... 'punch my hand' before you so rudely interrupted me." he said and Matt awkwardly smiled. Nick let his hands fall and looked at him with a proud smile, "But... you did well for a punch." he said. Matt smiled proudly and suddenly, Nick punched Matt again in the face and grabbed his neck, putting him into a chokehold, "But that was for a punch. Out there, when you're out there against Wesen, a punch won't work. You're gonna need to learn how to fight and defend yourself."

Matt grunted as he attempted to get out of Nick's grasp, "Well that's gonna be hard to do if the person's literally 5 times as fast as me." Matt said.

Nick knew what he was referring to. He let go of Matt and pushed him out of his chokehold, "You're talking about vampires?" Nick asked. Matt wiped the blood away from his nose with his fist and nodded his head as he breathed heavily. Nick crossed his arms, "It depends on your experience, Matt." he said.

Matt had no idea what he was talking about. He shook his head as he shrugged and raised his arms, "Not really a good answer." he said.

Nick looked at Matt with a confused look, but quickly realized he didn't explain some of the perks of being a Grimm, "Oh, right, I didn't tell you about that perk." Nick said before he sat down on the steps to rest and explain, "Because us Grimms are basically human, we won't stand a chance against those Wesen out there that are a lot more powerful than us, stronger than us, faster and more durable than us. Because of this, we have this sort of... adaptability." Nick explain.

"Adaptability?" Matt repeated in confusion.

"Yeah. The name speaks for itself. Basically our body adapts to whatever comes our way. We get poisoned with a certain poison? Our body becomes immune to it. Say we're up against someone A LOT more durable, we get stronger to at least be able to hurt him. Someone's so strong they're able to tear our hearts out? We get more durable. And... if someone's faster? We get a sort of... sense-" Nick said.

"Like a Spider Sense?" Matt asked with intrigue and a wide smile.

Nick shot Matt and 'really?' look, but still saw how cool it was for Matt. He rolled his eyes as a small smile appeared on his face, "Yes. Like a spider sense. It only happens around beings super fast and we only get it if we experience once, same thing for other adaptions. Why'd you think you healed so fast from the bee stings? You have increased healing, but not that increased. it's minor." Nick explained. He soon realized something. Something was... off about his younger brother. A frown appeared on matt's face before Nick asked in a concerned tone, "What's going, Matty?"

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