Episode 3: The Pack Mentality (Part 5)

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Hank and Nick were on their way back to the Rabe property with Matt, Stiles, and Scott sitting in the backseat. It was silent for most of the way there until Stiles broke it, "... So what exactly do you need our help with?" he asked. "For Scott, we need his help to look for, if there is, any evidence. For you Stiles, you knew Gilda and Rocky more than most. You could know, or give us any input on, where Rocky is. And for all of you, we need your help to get on the good side of the Rabe parents' kids." Nick explained. Matt's, Scott's, and Stiles' eyes widened in shock. Matt was confused with his brother's request as he leaned forward, "I'm sorry?... what? Their kids are absolute douches." Matt exclaimed. Stiles leaned in as well, "Yeah, man. They are A LOT more than that. They're worse than Jackson. That is SERIOUSLY saying something." Stiles commented.

Nick threw his hands in the air and sighed, "Well you're gonna have to if you wanna to help!" Nick exclaimed. Suddenly, Scott senses flared. Something was coming... Oil? Vrooming? Bikes? Scott shot himself forward, "Look out!" he exclaimed. Nick turned back at Scott, "Look out for what?" he asked. Suddenly, 3 guys on dirt bikes appeared and about to drive into them. Nick quickly turned back and put his hand on Hank's shoulder, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop!" he yelled. Hank quickly slowed down as the 3 guys on dirt bikes turned around and directed themselves towards the Rabe House while Hank followed at a lower speed. Scott sighed with a silent chuckled, "Told you.".

They continued to drive towards the house and eventually arrived there with the bikers arriving first and stopping. The bikers began to take off their helmets as Hank stopped the car, "Stay inside." Nick ordered the 3. Stiles sighed as Matt and Scott rolled their eyes. Nick and Hank got out of the car and headed towards the bikers, "Hey! Nice riding!" he exclaimed as the bikers got off their bikes. One of the bikers, Barry Rabe, turned towards Nick, "Oh, hope we didn't scare you." the biker mocked. Hank and Nick stopped in front of them, "Oh no, you guys are lucky you didn't get thumped." Hank replied.

Meanwhile in the car, Scott was listening in for Matt and Stiles, "What you hear?" Stiles asked. Scott sideyed Stiles, "I won't be able to hear anything if you guys keep TALKING." he told them. Matt and STiles immediately shut up as Scott continued to listen in.

The other biker, Jason Colbert, joined the conversation, "Look, we knew what we were doing." he said. Nick scoffed, "Then that's good, 'cause I hate cleaning blood off my car." Nick shot back.

"They're... talking with them about how they almost drove into them." Scott told them. Matt rocked his head side to side, "Well... that does kinda make sense." Matt commented.

Barry then asked, "Uh, you guys here for my parents?" he asked as he set his helmet onto his bike. "Detectives Burkhardt and Griffin." Nick answered as he lifted a part of his jacket slightly to reveal his police badge. Hank recognized who the guy was, "You're Barry rabe. You live here, right?" Hank asked. Barry nodded in response. Hank took out 2 photos and showed them to Barry. The pictures were of Gilda and Rocky, "Have you guys ever seen either of 'em?" he asked them as he began moving the pictures around for the 3 bikers to see. They were silent for a bit, amusing Hank, "Oh no, take your time. Make sure you don't know them from school or anything." Hank added.

"Hank is showing them the pictures...wait." Scott said. Stiles and Matt immediately moved closer to Scott, "What is it?" Stiles asked hastingly. "...his heart... It's beating fast... All of their hearts are..." Scott explained. Stiles slowly began moving back towards his seat and snapped his fingers when he figured it out, "Normally when people's hearts beat fast, they're afraid. Or maybe-" Stiles was quickly interrupted by Matt, "-They're lying." Matt finished. Stiles slowly nodded his head at Matt as Scott got more information, "...And their scent... They've definitely been in the woods a lot. But it's sort of... it's like the scent I get off of Derek." Scott finished. Matt eyed the the 3 biker and could tell they were... off.

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