Beeware of the Magic Bullet (Part 7)

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Beacon Hills Hospital Morgue

Nick, Matt and Stiles rush into the morgue with Melissa McCall by Nick's side, "I just need to see their tongues." Nick said as he put on blue plastic gloves.

In the center of the room, the first victim of the flash mobbing was lying on the table. Melissa began walking by as she sighed, "I don't know why you would need to see their tongues, but whatever floats your boat." she said. Once Nick made it to the side of the corpse, he leaned over and began to attempt to look into the body's mouth as Melissa headed towards one of the fridges and opened it, "The bodies were swollen, one of the doctors had to cut 'em out just to get a look inside." she said and Nick looked up her and stopped what he was doing. She pulled out 2 class jars with water in them.

Stiles and Matt had a good feeling what were in those glass jars. Stiles put his hand on his mouth to stop himself from gagging before he asked, "I;m assuming those are the tongues?" he said with a disgusted face. Matt, in the meantime, was keeping his distance, but he also was disgusted.

Melissa sighed, "Yes, Stiles. These are the tongues." she told them, making Stiles gag as he looked away and put his hand over Matt's shoulder to keep himself from doing something he'd regret. Nick walked next to Melissa to look at the tongues as she took one of them out with tongs and held it under a light above water. "Is there anything strange on either of them?" Nick asked her. Melissa sighed as she pointed at a black crescent mark under the tongue. "What did that mark?" he asked.

"I never worked on these bodies, Nick. I wouldn't really know, but I did help. I also thought it was weird. Here." she said, handing over the tongs to Nick before she took the other tongue out with another set of tongs. She held the other tongue of the other victim next to the other tongue Nick was holding. She then pointed at a black crescent mark with her pinkie under the tongue she was holding, "See that black mark? But they're not tattoos. These marks have nothing to do with their deaths. Who would do this hideous thing to these girls?" Melissa questioned. Nick glared at the mark under the tongue before looking over at matt and Stiles, who were standing side by side awkwardly. Nick simply glared at them. They knew what was going to come next.

In the car

Matt and Stiles entered the backseat as Nick entered the front. He shut the door angrily, making Matt and Stiles jump. Nick clenched onto the steering wheel from the frustration he felt as he slowly began to breath in and out. Matt and Stiles watched awkwardly in silence. Nick finally spoke, "So... Did you know what Adalind was?" he asked them.

Stiles looked at Matt, waiting for him to give an answer. Hesitantly, Matt answered, "Yes... yes I did.".

Nick breathed in deeply as he turned around to face them and Stiles froze and Matt simply stared at him, "How long did you know?" Nick asked with a calm tone, only making Matt and Stiles more worried.

Stiles then decided to jump in, "Maybe I should go, I mean-" he said, about to open the door and leave.

Nick quickly interrupted Stiles, "No. You stay. You also knew. So I'm asking you, Matt. How long did you know?" Nick asked again.

An awkward silence filled the air before Matt finally answered, "For a while." Matt said, making Nick sigh heavily and look back in front of him. He sat his head onto the steering wheel and sighed again. Matt didn't want Nick to find out this way. "...You mad?" Matt asked.

Nick looked back up and simply stared into the open abyss, "I'm not mad. I'm honestly not. You didn't want me to find out about her because you thought she was different from the other Hexenbiests. Or maybe you did it because you were worried of what I will do. I'm just confused as to why you didn't tell me." Nick said.

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