A Plan

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The werewolf kept banging against the door, causing the screws to begin to fall out. We were all stepping back in fear and huddled together as Lydia began begging to God. The door was pushed against again, causing the nuts and bolts to be shot loose.

"The kitchen. The door out of the kitchen leads to the stairwell." Stiles told us.

"Which only goes up." Scott quickly replied.

"Up is better than here."

The werewolf was pushing the door even more with more force. More bolts began to shoot out of the door. The werewolf was clearly getting angry.

We all stepped back before we turned around and ran through a door in the back of the room. When i turned to shut the door, I noticed the werewolf looking through the window with it's eyes standing out as if it was blood. My eyes widened before I followed the rest of the group. As I did, I heard the werewolf finally break through the barrier. We made it to a staircase and ran up to the floor above us.

When we made it to the second floor, we tried getting into another classroom, but it was locked. Lydia tried opening the room that was opposite the room we just tried to open. Luckily, it was unlocked. She opened the door and we all ran in. 

Once we all got inside, we stepped out of the view of the blurry window in the door as Scott grabbed a chair and put it beneath the door handle. I stood beside Stiles and Scott as Scott stepped back with us. We all panted heavily when we then heard a low growling from outside the door. Scott shut his eyes as Stiles grabbed onto our shoulders. Lydia slapped a hand onto her mouth. 

Adalind closed her eyes and steadied her breathing. I noticed on her right hand that the end of her middle finger touching the end of her thumb. She was also muttering something under her breath. She was up to something. The  werewolf's head then peered past the blurry window, but luckily... it was walking away. 

After Scott was sure it was far enough, he looked at Jackson, "Jackson, how many people can fit into your car?" he asked.

"Five, if someone squeezes on someone's lap."

Allison looked like she was absolutely in shock, "FIVE?? I barely fit in the back."

"It doesn't matter. There's no getting out without drawing attention." Stiles explained.

I pulled Adalind away. Once we were far enough, I whispered, "What were you doing just there?"

"A werewolf's senses are heightened like hell. There was no feasible way that we could've hid from it. It would've heard us. I just put on a small cloaking spell."

"If you can do that now, why can't you do that as we run out?"

"Because that's WITCH magic. I'm a Hexenbiest. There's magic specifically designed for them, then there are some specifically designed for us. Plus, a cloaking spell requires preparation. I just did it on the spot without anything. It's very difficult to use another species' magic. I could use it, but it won't be for long."

Suddenly, Scott spoke, "What about this?" he suggested. He rushed over to a door in the corner of the room. Me, Stiles and Adalind all followed him. The rest stood a small distance away. He pointed to the sign on the door that showed a stickman walking up a set of steps "This leads to the roof. We can go down the fire escape to the parking lot in, like, seconds."

Stiles looked down at it and noticed the lock, "That's a deadbolt."

Scott looked looked down to contemplate another plan. He then had an epiphany, "The janitor has a key."

"You mean his body has it?" I replied.

Scott did a small nod, "I can get it. I can find him by scent, by blood." he whispered to us.

"Well, gee, that sounds like an incredibly terrible idea. What else you got?" Stiles quickly replied. He was right. It was a terrible idea

Scott looked away to try and think of another plan, but I knew he didn't have one, "I'm getting the key." he told us and he walked past us towards Allison.

I whispered to Adalind, "How long could you hold the spell for one person, or two?"

"I dunno. About... 2 minutes." I had a plan, which Adalind noticed, "What're you planning?"

I stepped towards Scott with Stiles, "Are you serious?" Allison questioned.

"Well, it's the best plan. Someone has to get the key if we want to get out of here."

"You can't go out there unarmed."

Scott looked around, then noticed a weapon behind Allison, leaning against a shelf. he took it into his hand. 

It was a long stick with a pointed hand on the end.

Basically, it was a long stick.

All of us looked at him in disbelief and as if Scott was crazy. He looked up at us, "Well, it's better than nothing."

"I'm coming with you." I told him.

Everyone looked at me as if I was the crazy one now, especially Scott, "No, you're not."

"Yes. I am." I took out my axe, "I'm not really asking." And there I could tell, Scott wasn't gonna object anymore.

"There's gotta be something else." Stiles quickly told us.

"There is." Lydia suddenly spoke up. We all looked at her and she cocked her head towards the shelf the stick leaned against. We all looked at it. The shelf had vials and bottles of chemicals inside with a glass door keeping them inside the shelf

"What are we gonna do? Throw acid on him??" Stiles questioned.

"No. Like a fire bomb." Lydia quickly told him. "In there is everything you need to make a self-igniting Molotov cocktail."

"Self igniting." Stiles repeated.

"Molotov. Cocktail." Lydia repeated, mouthing the words more expressively, but not too much.

Stiles sighed as everyone looked at her in shock. We all were in shock. How on earth did Lydia know how to make that? She looked at us awkwardly and confusingly, "...What?" She noticed Jackson staring at her, "I read it somewhere."

"We don't have a key for that either." Stiles told her.

Jackson rolled his eyes annoyingly and broke the glass with his elbow, "We still need that key?"

Adalind pulled me, Stiles and Scott aside as the others got to work, "Are you insane??" Adalind questioned.

"We'll be as quick as possible." I tried to say, but Adalind wasn't having it.

"You do understand what's out there, right? An ALPHA werewolf. Do you know how strong they are? Grimm have to have years and years of training to lay a finger on something like that. And not only that, it is a FERAL one as well. That makes it more ruthless, bloody, and violent than any werewolf known to man."

"I'll just be escorting and protecting Scott. Plus, Nick trained me."

"You'll be protecting Scott AGAINST the werewolf. If it comes at you, neither of you will have a chance. And even though Nick might've trained you, you haven't actually used any of it. That's what Elijah was trying to do FOR you."

"Look. All you need to do is put a cloaking spell on me and Scott for as long as you can. We'll be as quick as possible. If we see it coming, we'll hide. Just trust me on this." I looked deep into her eyes. And she looked into mine. She was very much not as on board on the plan as Scott and Stiles were, not that either of them were on-board, but still.

She sighed, "...I'll keep it for as long as possible."

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