Some Company

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The trio ran down one of the hallways of the school until they were met with a door that led outside. They tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. "What the hell?" Stiles questioned.

Matt poked his head through a small opening they managed to create between the doors and saw 2 large dumpsters on the other side, "What the-? It's dumpsters." he said before he brought his head back inside. 

Stiles, after a pause, then tried to push the door open again, "He pushed it in front of the door." he said.

"To block us in." Scott continued. 

"Come on, help me." Stiles said as he continued trying to push the doors open. 

"Stiles, stop!" Scott yelled as he pulled Stiles back away from the door and the trio then made their way down the hall. 

"I'm not dying here. I'm not dying at school." Stiles said anxiously. 

"We're not going to die." Matt replied. 

Stiles was now slowly being filled more and more with fear, "God, what is he doing? What does he want?" Stiles questioned.

"Me!" Scott quickly told the 2 of them. "Derek says its stronger with a pack."

"Oh, great!" Stiles said as he threw his arms slightly in the air,  "A psychotic Werewolf who's into teamwork. That's-that's beautiful." he said sarcastically.

Unbeknownst to them, Adalind arrived on her bike. She parked it and took her helmet off before she hung it on the handles of the bike. She then looked up at the school, seeing something at the top of the building and being completely in shock and... somewhat fear.

Scott suddenly saw something out of the window on their right. He put his arms in front of them to stop them as he stared out through the window. Stiles and Matt looked at where he was looking and saw the werewolf on the roof of the other side of the school with it staring right at them. It then began to run across the roof on it's 4 legs. Matt quickly pulled the 2 back and then began to run off as the werewolf launched itself through the wall of where they were just standing. It crashed against the wall before it regained balance and chased after the 3 teenagers. 

They ran through a door in the wall and found themselves in the stairwell of the school. They rushed down a set of stairs and then ran through the door that led them back into the first floor. 

With Adalind, she walked through the building in search of the trio of boys. She was scratch marks against the wall before she found herself at an open door. She stepped inside the classroom and was surprised by how it looked. A large portion of the windows was completely shattered with a broken car battery lying a couple feet away from the window. She stepped towards it and began examining it. It had a large claw mark and considering the state she saw Stiles' Jeep was outside, she assumed it was his. She put her hands on it as she crouched down in front of it and shut her eyes.

She then saw glimpses of what happened. 

Stiles, Matt and Scott ducking for cover.

The werewolf tearing the battery out of Stiles' Jeep.

The three then ran out.

She suddenly heard a loud boy scream. She shot open her eyes and spun her head around. She got up and rushed out of the room.

Meanwhile, with the boys, they ran into an old locker room that was probably under the school and definitely wasn't being used anymore. They got behind a row of lockers and stood up against it. Scott then peeked around the corner to see if it was still on their tale. The werewolf just then got there and Scott thought it saw him so he quickly went back as the creature growled loudly. The creature searched around itself before it turned around into another hallway. Matt and Stiles noticed Scott was breathing heavily and freaking out, "What???" Stiles questioned angrily. 

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