Murder In The Woods

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Nick was driving through the woods to where the case was. A murder of 2 people. Somewhere out in the Beacon Hills Woodlands. He hated the place. It was for... personal reasons.

He finally arrived to the street, where he found police, restriction tape, a couple of reporters and Hank all blocking the street. Once Hank noticed him, he walked down towards Nick's car as he simply parked it alongside the road. "So what'd we got?" Nick asked as he got out of the car.

Hank handed him a pair of plastic gloves as they made their way towards the crime scene in the middle of the street, "Nothing too complicated. Dead body found in the middle of the street. Basically torn apart. Lots - and I mean LOTS - of blood loss." hank explained as Nick put on the gloves. 

"We got a name?" Nick then asked as they crouched under the barrier tape. he then saw the body for the first time. Or most of it at least. The body was covered in a sheet. A large pool of blood was flowing from the top of the body, so he assumed it could be knock to the head.

Hank looked at his notepad, "Unger Cole. Age 20. Dropped out of high school young. The real 'tough guy' apparently." he said.

Nick raised an eyebrow at the body, "I though you said it was torn apart?"

Hank's eyes widened at him, as if he was taken back and hurt by the response, "Then why don't you take a look at the body and see if that classifies as 'torn apart'."

Nick crouched down and lifted the sheet slightly and... Hank wasn't lying. The body WAS torn apart. His whole body was completely in large scratches. Not one part of his body didn't have blood flowing from it. He definitely dies screaming. "...I guess that kinda does."

Nick continued examining the body all over, "Well we got any evidence? And leads? Anything at all?"

"Well there is the second body. Noah said we should handle this one while the rest tries to take care of that one." Nick sighed and looked back down at the body, "Okay, then what about the second body do we know?"

Hank looked back down at his notes, "Second body. Found burnt alive in a metal barrel out in the woods. Name was Reddick Marsh. Age 20 as well. Best friends with Unger. Or at least accomplices, partners." He flipped the notepad shut. "That's all we really know that could help us."

Nick sighed again before he noticed something. The neck. It had two small, perfectly symmetrical puncture wounds on the tender skin of the neck, framed by a subtle bruise with obvious blood all over. Nick cocked his head, "You gotta be kidding me." he said to himself. He leaned in and examined the neck. He knew exactly what killed him.

Hank heard his words, "About what?" he asked.

Nick got up and began to take of the gloves, "Found a bite mark." Hank had no reaction, not understanding what he meant by that. "... On his neck." he added, making hank now realize what he meant. 

Hank stepped closer to him, "So we have a vampire in town?" he whispered.

"Could be a vampire. Or a Spinnetod. But last I checked Spinnetods leave their victims with barely any blood."

"So it's definitely a vampire." Nick nodded, "Now what do we do?"

Nick sighed, "What we normally do. Investigate. Look for any evidence..." Hank then noticed Nick was disturbed. He was looking out in the distance and fiddling with the gloves in his hands.

"What's wrong with you? I've never seen you worried 'bout vampires before."

"It's not that a vampire is in town. I'm worried for WHO the vampire is."

Hank knew who he might've been talking about, "Maybe you should just call his brother. Maybe he might know something."

Nick laughed at the suggestion, "They haven't talked in over a decade, Hank. And I doubt he'd want anything to do with him."

"... You want me to pick Matt up?" 

Nick shook his head, "No. I'm just gonna hope that Damon isn't in town." Nick then turned around and began to walk into the woods.

 Back with Stiles and Matt,

The 2 were sitting outside of the admin office, waiting for Stiles' dad to finish his meeting with some other officers. The 2 were in the middle of talking about Matt's Grimm life and Stiles still had some trouble believing Matt on the things he said, "So there is a literal Grimm that sucks the moisture out of someone?"

"Pretty much, yeah." Matt said with a slight laugh.

Stiles looked taken back, "Huh. I'm actually thankful I'm not the Grimm. The things you'll see." Matt nodded along with Stiles' words. Stiles then looked down and saw a small photo sticking out from his pocket. "Whatcha got there?" he asked.

Matt looked down at the photo Stiles was talking about, "Oh, this?" He took the folded up photo out and opened it up for Stiles to see. The photo of Katherine Pierce. 

Stiles' eyes widened, "Wow. She's... hot. Who's she?" 

"Just some vampire. Big deal in the Supernatural world. Katherine Pierce." he told Stiles.

"And you have the photo, why? You're gonna... ya know..." Stiles was about to do the hand gesture, but Matt quickly put a stop to it.

"No, no, no! Hell no!" Matt told him as he put his hand down. "It's just an interesting case. I'm headed to Monroe after this to find out more about her."

"Isn't everything about her in your Beastiary?"

"Yea, but... when I asked Nick about it, he... He was hiding something. He knows something and I wanna know what it is." Matt put the photo back in his pocket.

"Why do you wanna find out if he's lying so bad?"

"It's just... we're brothers. I don't expect him to hide secrets from me. But he is. I know it. And I'm gonna find out what they are."

Suddenly, the doors opened and Sheriff Stilinski along with 2 other people walked out. Another cop and someone in a black tuxedo. Another guy in a black tux waited in the doorway, "We've been watching his family's house. Maybe he'll wind up there." Stilinski saw the 2 boys, "Give me a second." He told the other town cop. before he walked over to them with a sigh and crossed arms, "Don't you have a test to get to?"

"What's going on? Did you find Derek yet?" Stiles asked him.

"I'm workin' on it. You 2 go take your test." He ordered.

"All right, dad. Listen to me." Stiles tried to object, but the Sheriff still wasn't having it.

"Go!" He still ordered. 

"This is really important. You have to be careful tonight, okay? Especially tonight." Stiles finally managed to say. You could see his father's expression quickly change.

"Stiles, I'm always careful." He told him.

"Dad, you've never dealt with this kind of thing before, okay? At least not like this."

"I know, which is why I brought in people who have." Stiles and Matt looked at the 2 men in tux, who noticed and looked back at them. "State detective." Matt and Stiles then looked back at the Sheriff, "Go take your test." 

Stiles sighed and glanced between his father and the detectives before lifting in bag in his arms and walking off with Matt following behind.

Sry for the no chapter. Been recently working on one of my other popular stories and been wanting to create a new story based in this universe then I realized. Wait. This story I'm thinking of... literaly takes place in the canon that this series happens in. So I can't really. So yea. Expect more chapters soon and sry for the short one.

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