Chapter 4 - The Truth

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Aunt Matilda studied my face, and in her eyes, and I can see fear in her eyes. She knows she's lost.

Sighing, Auntie Matildia gestured for me to join her. As I reluctantly complied, a river of questions surged within me, a relentless fire burning in my chest. Her voice, heavy with resignation, cut through the stifling silence.

"Before the barrage of your questions, Delsia, listen to what I have to say. Everything will make sense soon," she sighed, her gaze drifting toward the window, as if seeking solace beyond the confines of the room.

I nodded, fully engaged, as she unraveled the intricate threads of her past.

"Delsia, recall when I mentioned being a pastry chef for the royal family?" My acknowledgment came with a nod. It was Aunt Matilda's life before raising me. "Before that, I was a maid, entrusted with caring for Crown Prince Damari and his younger brother Ares." The weight of her role became apparent, and my eyes widened in realization.

"As King Callan aged, succession became urgent. Damari, the eldest and most fitting heir, was destined for the throne. Ares, the younger brother,was obviously jealous. He pretended he wasn't, but as his maid I saw through his act.

Auntie Matildia continued, her fingers fidgeting nervously. "Ares betrayed Damari, taking his life and securing his position as the next in line for the throne. Unbeknownst to Ares, Damari survived and returned to me in secret. He revealed he had a daughter— you— and entrusted me to my care in the castle."

My breath caught in my throat as the words hung in the air—a revelation reshaping the fabric of my existence. My eyes widened, pupils dilating in response to the shocking truth. It felt like a thunderbolt striking me, sending tremors through my entire body.

I was a princess... the princess to the royal family.

Aunt Matilda clasped my shaking hands and soothed them.

"I raised you in the castle, deceiving the king that you were my niece. This might explain why Prince Atlas seemed familiar; he was your playmate at the castle."

"Oh," I whispered, blurry memories reappeared, of us running across a field of flowers. It was Prince Atlas.

"What about my birthmark?" I asked, instinctively reaching to touch my shoulder.

"As I was about to explain, your father secretly fed you the spirit's drink, given to the new successor of the crown. This meant you would bear a birthmark, signifying your amplified magical powers." She closed her eyes.

"Damari knew that Ares would eventually have a child and gave you a chance to compete against them for a shot at the crown, to rightfully take your place as Queen."

"I'm supposed to be Queen?" I said, shocked, gripping the sheets until my knuckles turned white.

My mind blanked, and soon I was connecting the pieces. "That means Princess Ruby and I are cousins!" I screeched, swiveling my head to face her. "THE KING IS MY UNCLE!" I stood up quickly, backing into the wall, my mind spinning.

"Ares eventually discovered Damari was still alive, leading to his execution. Ares also learned of you and decided to scrape the kingdom until he found you. That night, I knew our only chance was to escape the castle, to disappear into the night."

Silent tears continued to streak down Aunt Matilda's face, and I felt a surge of empathy for the woman who had sacrificed so much for my protection.

"Delsia, this is why I forbade you from using magic, fearing someone would catch your true identity," Aunt Matilda continued, her voice breaking under the weight of the memories. She paused, taking a deep breath as she relived the events that shaped her life.

"I raised you as my own, shielded you from the prying eyes of the court, and lied to protect you. You were my responsibility, and your safety became my paramount concern. The king's men were relentless in their pursuit, unknowingly chasing the missing princess," she explained, her words carrying the weight of the sacrifices she made for my well-being.

I sank back into my seat, absorbing the gravity of her revelation. The room seemed to close in around me as the reality of my royal lineage sank in. I was a princess, the daughter of a king who had been betrayed and survived in secret.

Aunt Matilda reached out, comforting my trembling hands. "Delsia, your birthmark is not just a mark of royalty; it signifies the potent magic within you. Your father believed in your ability to challenge Ares and Princess Ruby for the crown. Damari hoped you could reclaim your rightful place as Queen and bring balance to the kingdom."

The notion of being a contender for the throne left me stunned, grappling with the sudden weight of responsibility that rested on my shoulders. "I'm supposed to be Queen." I repeated, the reality settling in with each passing moment.

"Yes, Delsia," Aunt Matilda affirmed, her eyes filled with a mix of pride and sorrow.

"Delsia, if you compete in the Divination Games and ascend to the top, you could challenge Princess Ruby. No one could stop you, even King Ares." she whispered.

"I've told you everything, the truth, dear. You have the choice to embrace your destiny or forge your own path. The decision is yours, and whatever you choose, I'll stand by you," she whispered, her words echoing in the room like a solemn vow.

A heaviness settled in the air, the weight of my newfound identity and the responsibilities that came with it palpable. As Aunt Matilda's story unfolded, I couldn't escape the realization that the fate of an entire kingdom rested, in part, on my shoulders.

I could help the kids in my village get more food; I could aid the neighboring village and bring water to them when they needed it. I could change everything; give them a life I had wished for. The potential for impact, both daunting and inspiring, stretched out before me like an uncharted path waiting to be explored.

Was this peaceful life worth risking?

*Note from Author*

I wanted to note that I changed one of my characters names from Jasper to Atlas, sorry for any confusion. I felt that the name suited him better. 

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