donnie x clingy reader

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In the bustling sewers beneath New York City, life for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was a constant whirlwind of battles, pizza, and camaraderie. Among them, Donatello, the tech-savvy and intelligent turtle, found himself caught in a peculiar situation. Little did he know that a certain reader had a habit that would turn his world upside down.

You, an adventurous and affectionate individual, had formed an inexplicable connection with Donnie. Your days were filled with sparring sessions, gadget experiments, and quiet moments in the lair. However, a unique habit had developed – your undeniable penchant for sitting on Donnie's lap whenever the opportunity presented itself.

It all began one evening in the lair. The dim glow of the monitors illuminated Donnie's work area as he tinkered with gadgets and gizmos. You, having just returned from a stealth mission with the turtles, felt a sense of comfort in the familiar surroundings.

"Hey, Donnie!" you called out, strolling into the tech-filled corner of the lair. Without waiting for a response, you plopped down on his lap, a mischievous grin on your face.

Donnie, his attention momentarily diverted from his work, blinked in surprise. "Uh, hi there," he greeted, unsure how to react. The other turtles exchanged curious glances, amused by the unexpected development.

From that day forward, it became a routine. Whether in the lair, during training, or even amidst intense battles with the Foot Clan, you found solace in the comfort of Donnie's lap. His initial confusion and awkwardness transformed into a subtle acceptance of your unique brand of affection.

One day, after a particularly challenging battle, the turtles gathered in the lair to regroup. Donnie, nursing a few scratches from the skirmish, settled into his usual spot to analyze data on the enemy's movements.

Seizing the opportunity, you approached him with a playful smile. "Donnie, mind if I take a load off?" Without waiting for an answer, you settled onto his lap, your battle gear clinking softly.

The other turtles exchanged knowing glances. Mikey, the youngest of the bunch, elbowed Raph, unable to contain his excitement. "Looks like Donnie's got a sidekick!"

Donnie, though initially flustered, found a sense of comfort in your closeness. As the team discussed strategy and reviewed the battle, you listened intently, occasionally offering your insights. Donnie, despite his initial reservations, appreciated the shared moments of quiet amidst the chaos.

Outside the lair, you and Donnie faced the challenges of navigating the bustling city above. Whether it was dealing with rogue mutants, thwarting the plans of villains, or simply exploring the hidden corners of the sewers, your connection with Donnie remained a constant.

One rainy night, after a particularly intense mission, the lair was filled with a sense of exhaustion. The turtles gathered to unwind, their battle-weary bodies seeking respite. Donnie, engrossed in analyzing the data you had gathered, sat on the couch.

Approaching him, you noticed the fatigue etched across his face. "Long day, huh?" you remarked, a sympathetic smile on your lips. He nodded, leaning back against the couch.

Without a word, you settled onto his lap, your presence a silent reassurance. The room fell into a comfortable silence, the rain tapping against the sewer grates creating a soothing melody.

"You know, you're not as heavy as you look," Donnie teased, a playful glint in his eyes. You chuckled, appreciating his attempt at humor.

As the team dispersed for some much-needed rest, Donnie hesitated before addressing you. "Thanks," he murmured, genuine gratitude in his voice. You met his gaze, understanding the unspoken sentiment.

Days turned into weeks, and the routine continued. The turtles, though initially perplexed by your habit, grew accustomed to the dynamic. Your presence on Donnie's lap became a familiar sight, a testament to the unique bond forged in the midst of battles and adventures.

One day, as the turtles faced a formidable enemy in the city, the stakes were higher than ever. The lair buzzed with tension as the team prepared for the upcoming battle. Donnie, surrounded by screens and devices, felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders.

Sensing his unease, you approached him with determination. "We've got this, Donnie. You're not alone," you reassured, your hand resting on his shoulder.

He offered a grateful smile, a silent acknowledgment of the unwavering support you provided. As the battle unfolded, your presence on his lap became a source of strength, a grounding force in the midst of chaos.

After the victorious battle, the turtles gathered in the lair to celebrate. Donnie, though exhausted, couldn't help but smile at the camaraderie that defined their unconventional family. As the team reveled in their success, you found your way to Donnie's side.

"Looks like we make a pretty good team," you remarked, a playful glint in your eyes. He nodded, appreciating the truth in your words.

The other turtles, having witnessed the journey of your unique connection with Donnie, raised their glasses in a mock toast. "To Donnie's lap – the true hero of the day!" Mikey declared, eliciting laughter from the group.

And so, in the hidden depths of the sewer lair, amidst the hum of technology and the echoes of battles won, your connection with Donnie remained a constant. Whether in the face of danger, during moments of quiet reflection, or in the celebration of victories, the bond forged in the sewers of New York City proved that even in the most unconventional of families, love and support took many forms.

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