2012 Leo x Neko reader requested

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Leo was having an average day at the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' lair, when he noticed a small figure standing at the entrance. He could barely make out the details in the faint light of the dusty tunnel. It was a girl, or at least he thought it was, standing with her back to him. He couldn't quite tell, but it looked like she had something on her head.
He slowly moved closer, curiosity getting the better of him. He felt a rush of excitement when he realized that the thing on her head were a pair of cat ears. His mind raced with questions and possibilities. Maybe she was some sort of alien or costume enthusiast. He had heard about cosplay before, but never seen it in person.
He stepped closer, eager to get a better look, when suddenly the girl turned around. Leo was taken aback by her beauty. She wore a simple grey dress and had a long mane of black hair. Her dark brown eyes seemed to stare right into his soul. Leo felt an instant connection to her, like he had always known her.
But then he noticed something else. Hanging around her neck was a necklace with a small crystal. Leo had seen those before; they were neko readers. It was a device that allowed someone to read the thoughts of cats.
Leo stepped closer, feeling a strange mixture of emotions. What would it be like to read a cat's thoughts? He opened his mouth to ask, when the girl suddenly spoke.
"Hello, Leo," she said, smiling.
Leo was startled. He had been so busy looking at her cat ears, he hadn't noticed that she had been speaking to him. He blushed, feeling embarrassed.
"Um, hi. I'm Leo," he said, his voice quiet.
The girl smiled again, her eyes twinkling.
"It's nice to meet you," she said. "My name is Kaori."
Leo nodded, feeling a bit shy. Kaori motioned for him to follow her as she started walking down the tunnel. They talked as they walked, getting to know each other better. Kaori told Leo about her neko reader and how it allowed her to read cats' minds.
Leo was fascinated and asked a million questions. Kaori seemed happy to answer them all. She explained that most cats weren't very complicated and that their thoughts were mainly focused on food and play.
By the time Kaori and Leo reached the end of the tunnel, they had become fast friends. Kaori invited him to come with her to her house to learn more about neko readers.
At Kaori's house, Leo learned that neko readers weren't just for cats. Kaori showed him how you could use the device to see into other people's thoughts and feelings. Leo was amazed, but a little scared at the same time. He didn't want to know too much about other people's lives.
Kaori assured him that it was only for fun and that no one would know. With that, Leo decided to give it a try. Kaori put the device on his forehead and instructed him to look into her eyes.
For a moment, nothing happened. Then, suddenly, it was like Leo could see inside of Kaori's mind. He saw her deepest thoughts and feelings, like a movie playing in his head. He was amazed and a little overwhelmed.
After a few minutes, Kaori told Leo to stop. Leo felt relieved and excited at the same time. He thanked Kaori for the experience and asked her why she wore the neko reader.
Kaori smiled and explained that she had been born with the device and that it allowed her to feel closer to her beloved cats. Leo was impressed and asked her if she ever wore her cat ears in public. Kaori laughed and said that she didn't usually, but that sometimes she liked to let them out.
Leo smiled, feeling a bit more courageous.
"Can I see them now?" he asked.
Kaori nodded and pulled the cat ears out for Leo to see. He was amazed. They were much bigger than he had expected and he felt a sudden urge to give her a hug. He leaned in and hugged Kaori tightly, feeling like he had just made the best friend of his life.
"Thank you," he whispered, his voice full of emotion.
Kaori smiled and hugged him back.
"You're welcome," she replied.
From that day on, Leo and Kaori became inseparable. They explored the city together and Leo learned so much about neko readers. He even started wearing his own pair of cat ears.
As time went on, Leo had to face a reality that he had been avoiding. Kaori wasn't human; she was a Neko. Leo was scared, but Kaori assured him that it didn't matter. He was still his friend and that was all that mattered.
Leo hugged her tightly, grateful for her understanding. He knew, for the first time, that it was okay to be different. Kaori smiled, her cat ears bobbing up and down as they hugged.
From that day forward, Leo and Kaori were the best of friends. They shared their secrets and dreams, and Leo never once asked Kaori why she wore her neko reader. He knew that it was something special, something that only she knew.
And so, for the rest of their lives, Leo and Kaori stayed close. They shared a bond that was unbreakable and something even more profound - understanding.

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