raph x protective reader

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Warning: Mild violence

Raph's captured voice echoed through your mind as you listened intently to his desperate plea for help. Rage consumed you as you heard the anguish in his voice, and without a second thought, you made up your mind to take matters into your own hands. Nobody endangered your loved ones without consequences.

As you slipped on your black mask and tightened the straps, you felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through your veins. Equipping yourself with your preferred weapons of choice—twin sai, you glared at the monitor displaying Shredder's lair. It was time to make him pay for what he had done.

With silent determination, you infiltrated Shredder's hideout, evading numerous foot soldiers along the way. You relied on your training, honed by the turtles themselves, to stealthily make your way deeper into the dangerous labyrinth of the underground facility.

Finally, you reached Shredder's throne room. The twisted, masked villain stood tall, his menacing presence magnified by the darkness surrounding him. But fear had no place in your heart. Only a burning desire to save Raph.

"Shredder!" you snarled, your voice reverberating through the room. "Release Raph, or you'll regret this day!"

Shredder chuckled sinisterly. "Ah, dear reader," he sneered, "you have more courage than I expected. But don't think you'll leave here unscathed."

With lightning reflexes, you lunged forward, thrusting your sai at Shredder with precision and speed. But he parried each strike effortlessly, retaliating with decisive slashes and strikes of his own.

The battle waged on, the clash of weapons filling the air. You fought fiercely, fueled by your love for Raph and the desire to protect him at all costs. You could see the surprise in Shredder's eyes as you skillfully danced around his attacks, your agility rivaling his own.

Seizing an opportunity, you broke through his defenses and landed a powerful kick to his chest, sending him sprawling to the ground. You didn't give him a moment's respite, pursuing your advantage with relentless determination. Every strike was unleashed with controlled fury, channeling the love you had for Raph as motivation, empowering you with unseen strength.

The room was a whirlwind of steel and fury. You skillfully dodged Shredder's retaliatory attacks, landing blow after blow on his armored body. Sightless with rage, you pressed on, battering him until cracks began to appear in his adversary's impenetrable armor.

Finally, you saw an opening—a vulnerable spot in Shredder's defenses. With a swift, calculated strike, you disarmed him, your sai sent flying across the room. It was the opportunity you had been waiting for.

You stepped forward, your eyes locking with Shredder's masked gaze. He struggled to regain his footing, but it was too late. Fuelled by your love for Raph, you unleashed the full fury of your training upon Shredder. Blow after blow rained down on him until he fell to his knees, defeated and broken.

As silence settled over the room, your heart raced, and you quickly rushed to the cell where Raph was being kept captive. The sight of him battered and bruised tugged at your heartstrings, but relief washed over you as he glanced up and locked eyes with you.

"(Y/N)?" Raph murmured, his voice hoarse.

"Raph!" you exclaimed, rushing to his side. "I'm here. I've got you. Let's get you out of here."

Together, you fought off the remaining obstacles that lay in your path, finally escaping Shredder's lair and leaving the defeated mastermind behind. As you emerged into the warm night air, Raph's grip on your hand tightened.

"Thank you," he rasped, his voice filled with gratitude and love. "I owe you my life."

You smiled and squeezed his hand gently. "You don't owe me anything, Raph. I would do anything to protect you. We've got each other's backs, remember?"

Raph nodded, a fond smile creeping onto his bruised face. "Always, (Y/N). Always."

And so, hand in hand, you returned to the lair, where your family awaited. The bond between you and Raph grew stronger, and the love that had propelled you to defeat Shredder became a symbol of your unbreakable connection.


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