2012 raph x on period reader requested

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Once upon a time, in the bustling city of New York, there lived a girl named (Y/N). She was a kind-hearted and adventurous young woman, always seeking excitement in her life. Little did she know that her life was about to take a rather peculiar turn.

One sunny afternoon, as (Y/N) was strolling through Central Park, she stumbled upon an unusual sight. Four mysterious, masked turtles were engaged in a heated battle with a group of menacing hoodlums. Intrigued by their impressive martial arts skills, (Y/N) decided to stay and observe the fight.

As the turtles dive into action, (Y/N) couldn't help but admire the one clad in red. This particular turtle had an incredible strength, fierce determination, and an undeniable charm that caught her attention. His name was Raphael, the hot-headed, yet fiercely loyal and protective member of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

After a victorious battle, (Y/N) approached Raphael, her heart pounding with excitement. "Hello there," she greeted him timidly.

Raphael turned around, glancing at her with his piercing green eyes. His initial gruff demeanor softened as he looked at her. "Hey, who're you?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

"I'm (Y/N), and I must say, you guys were amazing out there," she replied, a genuine smile gracing her lips.

Raphael smirked, savoring the compliment. "Ah, thanks, doll. We're always ready to kick some shell."

From that day on, (Y/N) and Raphael became fast friends, sharing laughs, pizza nights, and even fighting side by side against crime in the city. Their bond grew stronger with every passing day, until they developed a deep understanding of one another.

However, one day, as (Y/N) woke up feeling groggy and exhausted, she noticed a familiar and unwanted sensation. It was her time of the month. An uncomfortable and often stormy period had come to pay a sudden visit, hijacking her emotions and turning her day into a battleground.

(Y/N) groaned, clutching her stomach as she lay curled up on her bed. It wasn't easy dealing with the mood swings, cramps, and emotional roller coaster that accompanied this monthly occurrence. She desperately wished for the pain to vanish, but knowing it was just a part of being a woman, she had to endure it.

Meanwhile, Raphael noticed a change in his friend's behavior. He had grown accustomed to (Y/N)'s bubbly personality, her laughter ringing through their lair. But lately, she seemed distant and wasn't her usual cheerful self. Worried, he decided to confront her.

One afternoon, Raphael entered (Y/N)'s room, finding her huddled up under a blanket. Her eyes were red, and her sniffles echoed silently in the dimly lit room.

"Hey, (Y/N), what's going on? You've been acting different lately," Raphael inquired, concern lacing his voice.

(Y/N) looked up at him, her eyes slightly watery. She felt embarrassed to discuss such an intimate matter, but Raphael's genuine concern urged her to open up. "It's... um... it's my time of the month, Raph. I'm sorry if I've been acting strange. It's just... these cramps, mood swings, and it's so uncomfortable," she admitted, feeling vulnerable.

Immediately, Raphael's demeanor softened, his fiery temper replaced with compassion. "Aw, doll, why didn't you tell me? I may not know exactly what you're going through, but I can at least try to help."

With empathy radiating in his voice, Raphael fetched her a warm herbal tea, dimmed the lights, and put on her favorite movie. Patiently, he sat beside her, rubbing soothing circles on her back to alleviate her pain. As they watch the movie together, Raphael quietly reassured her that he was there for her, no matter what.

In that moment, (Y/N) realized how lucky she was to have Raphael as a friend - someone who always had her back, even during the challenging times. With his caring presence, she found solace, knowing that she didn't have to face this battle alone.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. As (Y/N)'s period gradually faded away, she regained her usual energy and cheerful demeanor. Raphael remained a constant pillar of support throughout, never faltering in his care and understanding.

Their friendship grew deeper, transcending mere human-turtle boundaries. (Y/N) appreciated Raphael's strength, loyalty, and most importantly, his empathy. And with each passing day, they discovered more about themselves and the power of compassion between unlikely companions - a bond forged amidst cramps, mood swings, and the unlikeliest of circumstances.

In the end, their connection proved that even during the most challenging periods, both figuratively and literally, friendship and understanding could triumph over adversity, leaving behind a lesson that would resonate throughout their lives.

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