2012 Mikey x on period reader requested

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Once upon a time in the bustling city of New York, our story begins with a young and spirited teenager named [Y/N]. She was an ordinary girl with an extraordinary journey, and a secret that only a few knew.

In the city, there were rumors of four fearless mutant ninja turtles, protecting the innocent and battling evil ninjas at every turn. [Y/N] had been fortunate enough to stumble upon their lair one fateful night, unknowingly crossing paths with the infamous Mikey, the light-hearted and playful member of the team.

Although their first encounter had been quite eventful, developing into a deep friendship as days rolled by, [Y/N] had managed successfully to keep her secret hidden from Mikey and his brothers. That secret was none other than her monthly visitor - her period.

It was a sunny morning when [Y/N], feeling a mix of emotions, woke up to the familiar cramps and discomfort that signaled the arrival of her inevitable visitor. She groaned, finding herself longing for the simplicity of her ordinary days, without the intrusion of her monthly struggle.

As the hours passed, [Y/N] couldn't help but feel moody and vulnerable as her body underwent its natural cycle. However, she had always been strong-willed and stubborn, refusing to let her monthly woes get the better of her. Determined to carry on with her daily activities, she decided to join the turtles in their training session that afternoon.

Arriving at the lair, she was greeted by the sight of Mikey, clad in his signature orange mask, twirling his nunchucks. His infectious laughter immediately lifted her spirits, making her temporarily forget about her discomfort.

"Hey, [Y/N]! Ready to join us for some training?" Mikey called out, his usual cheerful tone resonating throughout the lair.

[Y/N] put on a brave face, forcing a smile. "Absolutely, Mikey. Let's do this!"

As the training session began, [Y/N] did her best to keep up with the turtles. However, her body had other plans. The cramps intensified, and waves of pain surged through her abdomen. It became increasingly challenging to focus on her movements, and her concentration started to waver.

Sensing her struggle, Mikey approached [Y/N] with a concerned expression. "Hey, everything okay? You seem a little off today."

Suppressing her grimace, she replied, "Yeah, I'm fine, Mikey. Just a little tired, that's all."

Not entirely convinced, Mikey reached out a hand towards her forehead to check for any signs of illness. But before he could make contact, [Y/N] stepped back, worried that he would notice her flushed cheeks, a common occurrence during her period.

"I really am okay, Mikey. Trust me," she insisted, her voice wavering slightly.

Mikey's brows knitted together with worry, uncertain of how to help his friend. He had always been the jovial clown, bringing smiles to everyone's faces, but when it came to emotions, he wasn't the most perceptive. However, he could sense that there was more to [Y/N]'s current state, something she was unwilling to share.

His blue eyes sparkled with determination to uncover her secret, prompting him to take a more direct approach. Grabbing a nearby cushion, he set it on the training mat and sat down, patting the spot next to him.

"Come on, [Y/N]. I know something's bothering you. Spill the beans," Mikey encouraged, his voice filled with genuine concern.

[Y/N] sighed, realizing that she couldn't keep her secret from him any longer. Instinctively, she knew he wouldn't judge her. Slowly, she sat down beside him, her voice barely above a whisper as she confessed, "Mikey... It's my period. I'm just feeling really terrible today."

Mikey's eyes widened in surprise, but instead of reacting with awkwardness or discomfort, he leaned closer with a sympathetic smile. "Aw, dude, why didn't you say anything? You should have just told me earlier!"

[Y/N] blinked, bewildered by his understanding response. She had expected embarrassment or even ridicule, but Mikey's unwavering support was like a warm balm to her soul.

Mikey's eyes sparkled with mischief as he placed an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into a comforting side-hug. "Well, guess what? I've got just the remedy for you! Operation: Cheer up [Y/N]!"

Curiosity tinged with a mix of emotions, [Y/N] looked at Mikey, waiting for him to explain his plan.

Unbeknownst to her, Mikey had spent countless nights watching romantic comedy movies, hoping to gain insight into the mysteries of human emotions. He had learned from the best, perfecting his romantic gestures by carefully observing the silver screen.

And so, Mikey embarked on his mission to lift [Y/N]'s spirits. He scoured the lair for all the essential items he had gathered for this exact moment - a pillow fort, a basket filled with snacks, and an endless stack of movies that would make even the toughest heart swoon.

As they settled into the cozy, dimly lit pillow fort, [Y/N]'s discomfort began to fade away, replaced by a sense of ease and warmth. Mikey, with his inexhaustible charm and boundless energy, managed to make her laugh through the tears, and the hours flew by like a blur.

In the safety of that pillow fort, [Y/N] realized the value of friendship, the importance of confiding in someone who would stand by her side, regardless of any challenges they faced. And as the days rolled by, she found solace in knowing that she didn't need to face the trials of her period alone.

From that moment on, a deep bond blossomed between [Y/N] and Mikey, leaving an indelible mark on both their lives. And as they continued to battle the forces of evil together, they knew that they were not alone - that the strength of their friendship would always carry them through, even during the most challenging times.

And so, in this extraordinary world of mutant ninja turtles and ordinary teenage girls, [Y/N]'s period became just another chapter in a story of the everlasting bond between friends.

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