Chapter 38 - Xavier

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Xavier's point of view...

Then - from Tuesday to Thursday Xavier goes back to his normal routine where he goes back to working with his hours set at 9am to 3pm, he gets to work on the stack of paperwork that couldn't be done by anyone else in his absence that was left on his desk by his secretary and Beta - plus each day he has a meeting with his pack leaders, to discuss important things happening around the community that needed Xavier's output to handle - resolve - or terminate the issues.

While on Tuesday Vivian met with Josephine in her (Vivian's) private home office, on the 2nd floor of the house, so she could talk to her about something important; Vivian sat behind her desk she tells Josephine that for her (Josephine's) own wedding gift from Nicholas and Vivian is going to be a business of her choosing for her own and operate her own way, they had already discussed this with Xavier who approved of the idea quickly and thanked them eagerly because he knew that Josephine needed something to do with her free time as well as be able to make her own money like her knows Josephine want to be able to do.

Vivian and Nicholas had already been hunting down businesses with the community and the city that might peak Josephine's interest, ending up with 7 different possibilities.

The Available Businesses:

1 ) A thrift clothing, accessories and shoe store in the city.
(Which Josephine wasn't really interested, so Vivian put that file in the trash beside her desk.)

2 ) A classic deli style restaurant in the city.
(Josephine was semi-interested in this business, because she knows that Xavier loves a good sub; so - Vivian puts the file on the left side of her desk.)

3 ) A failing bookstore in the community.
(This one Josephine was definitely on her list of possibilities, so - Vivian sets the file onto of the deli file.)

4 ) A casual poetry cafe in the community.
(Josephine states she loves the concept, but that she wasn't interested in that type of business; so Vivian throws the file into the trash.)

5 ) A unkept bed and breakfast in the city.
(This one peaked Josephine's interest, so she tells her to put that in the pile, please; so - Vivian does just that.)

6 ) A office building the gas 4 floors; the main level being the lobby - waiting - security office - a long with a large dining room with a pantry - plus their was the building owner/operator's office space, next on the 2nd floor was 10 singular private offices, with 4 joint agency style business offices (each one having 3 offices in each of them), the 2 joint business offices (each with 6 offices in them both) whill be in the city.
(This one Josephine thinks about for a good 10 minutes or so before she tells Vivian that it seems like a great opportunity but might be too much for her to start off with so she say she is going to have to pass; so - Vivian put the file in her bottom drawer saying she'll hold onto the file for a rainy day.)

7 ) A large beautiful flower shop in the community.
(Which Josephine quickly said she wasn't interested in, so Vivian tossed it right in the trash.)

- when that was all discussed and decided on Josephine was left with 3 perfect possible businesses that she was highly interested in, Vivian tells Josephine that she could take the files and look the businesses over before she adjusted the files neatly before handing them to Josephine, then she tells her to look them over and try to make her decision in the next week so Nicholas and Vivian go start the paperwork to purchase the business along with the business license and such needing filing plus they'll need time to renovate (so all Josephine has to do is buy what she needs to make the business to her liking) - so, they could gift her the business on their big day.

Then - on Wednesday Josephine went out with Jordan for some light shopping but mainly going around trying to find possible ideas for decor, thank you gifts for the wedding party (and Xavier's parents) and some attire options (mainly looking for the bridesmaids and herself and guests) for the wedding or reception.

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