Chapter 10 - Xavier

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Xavier's point of view...

Xavier observes everyone around the mingle section of the Mate Choosing Ceremony, but, kept an extremely close eye on Josephine - as she talks to Stephan, for most of the mingle portion of the Ceremony.

Xavier was very angry, feeling very territorial and jealous as time ticks by - but, he keeps his composure while acting like he was mingling while not really paying any she-wolves any true attention.

He was fine until Stephan grabbed Josephine by the hand and brought her to the dancefloor - Stephan puts his arms around her waist, after putting her arms around his neck which causes Xavier to narrow his eyes with fury roaring deep in his soul but again he tried so hard to control himself in front of everyone.

That was until Stephan proceeded to lift her chin to make her look up at him like he was about to kiss Josephine which was when Xavier couldn't hold back anymore and growls lowly before storming over and pulls Josephine behind him as he pushes Stephan back against a table.

"She's mine." He declares uncontrollably, as he realizes what he said and felt all at once causing him to turn and face Josephine.

"Xavier?" She asks him stunned at his actions and words, but with fear in in her eyes.

"Come with me, now." He orders her while grabbing her hand and pulling her to the exit area of the pavilion.

"Yes, sir." She snaps nervously.

"Don't call me sir. My name is Xavier, you know this, Josephine." He growls looking at her as they walk quickly.

"You've chosen your mate?" One of the guards says smiling just as nervous as Josephine.

"Yes." Xavier answers fast.

"Do you feel the same?" The guard asks Josephine as she looks up at him sheepishly.

"Yes." She answers next flashing a weak, forced smile.

"Excellent. Go on to the next pavilion." The guard goes on to say granting the access out the door.

"Thank you." Xavier says pulling Josephine out of the pavilion and into the beautiful outdoor dining area, where he sits her down on a picnic table near the middle of the area. "Why did you say you felt the same?" He asks suddenly as he lifts her chin, making her look into his angry eyes.

"Because I do feel that way." She says as she bites her lip while looking at him still kinda nervous but seemed to be calming down slowly.

"Wait, you felt the pull?" He asks quickly, dropping his hand as they keep eye contact.

"Yes." She snaps smiling lightly.

"The electrical shock?" He asks next with a gentle look deep within his eyes.

"Yes." She answers next, her smile growing a bit more.

"Why didn't you say anything?" He asks lastly as he cups her face.

"Because I didn't think you felt the same. I couldn't imagine the feeling being accurate with me being who I am and you being who you are, Xavier." She explains sounding unsure and kind of sad.

"Really? Well, this is amazing. You are my mate." He says proudly before kissing her forehead lovingly.

"Why is that amazing?" She asks giggling as she gently grabs his wrists playfully.

"Josie, your gorgeous. You're smart. You know your place and won't pull a power trip by being my mate. You're too humble and sweet." He goes on to explain now, as he stands up gently letting her face go.

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