Chapter 9 - Josephine

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Josephine's point of view...

Josephine was in her room reading the Edgar Allan Poe poetry book while she longest on her bed when suddenly she hears Vivian's voice paging her to her female sitting room like the day before.

So, Josephine gets up and put her book away before she slips her flats back on her feet - then, she walks over to the door and unlocks it, opening it and heading out into the hallway - closing the door behind her before she heads to the 2nd floor, to Vivian's female sitting room which was technically Josephine's beautifying station within the mansion.

She goes on to knock on the door, softly, before Vivian opens the door and greets her with an eager smile across her face as she grabs Josephine by her forearm to pull her into the room before she closes the door quickly and locks it to avoid anyone seeing her before her look is completed.

Josephine was carefully put into the gorgeous dress and the stellar shoes, to start it off before she was covered by a salon smock.

Josephine's hairstyle and gorgeous makeup design was fully completed within an 1 and a 1/2 hours, meaning she was ready right on time, by 4:30pm - which is when Xavier was expected to meet her out front at gus car as he volunteered to drive her to the Mat Choosing Ceremony at the pavilion at the Ceremony location that the community set up when the community was created many decades ago- since they were both going to the same place - from the same place.

Josephine goes on to exit the room slow wly while looking beautiful and smelling extremely amazing, she is very nervous and is horribly anxious - but, at the same time she felt like she was ready to see if her life is going to change or not.

Josephine was literally feeling perplexed with the fact tonight could be the night she finds her mate or could be the night she realizes she's not as special as everyone was trying to get her to believe - after years of being Xavier's own private servant that they bought for his birthday gift; she walks down the stairs and freezes at the front door as she calms her nervous breathing.

She reaches out and turns the doorknob, pulling the door open and she walks outside, closing the door behind her before turning to see Xavier standing at the bottom of the stairs that lead to the driveway - he was dressed to the nine, and, even with the distance between the two of them she was able to smell his addictive aroma which made her heart race and body tingle with attraction; she tries to push that aside she walks over to Xavier.

He takes her hand and twirls her as he smiles wildly, saying "You are absolutely breathtaking, Josie."

"Thank you, Xavier." She blushes, as he now leads he to the passenger seat of his car and opens the door, "Thank you, again" she adds as she gets in and he closes the door as she buckles up.

Xavier and Josephine talk on their way to the Mate Choosing Ceremony - which was only a 30 minute drive, deep into a very remote forest on fenced in area with a large garden gate who checks you in on a list before allowing you to enter the event.

Once in the event location Xavier goes and parks in a reserved spot just for him, upon instruction of his parents.

Xavier looks over at Josephine, "Are you ready?" He asks her as she stares forward nervously.

"I think so." Josephine says after a deep exhale, with fear in her eyes.

"Just be confident and yourself, you're gorgeous. Anybody is lucky to pick you." Xavier goes on to say before grabbing his things, "Let's go." He says getting out, as Josephine opens her door and gets out at the same time.

Once out of the car Xavier walks over to Josephine who was looking around and observing everyone and everything going on around the two often - they walk up to the small building, and again check in getting their stickers.

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