Scared to be alone

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Elijah entered the room where Bonnie was seated, sipping a cup of tea, just staring in the open. Lucy was upstairs, exhausted, and asleep. Elijah was in his room, not seeing the need to be around Bonnie; if Lucy wasn't around, she'd be even more moody. But he couldn't hide from her forever.

"Elijah, can you tell me what you know about Vincent?" She asked, sensing his presence, and he came to sit in the chair next to her, and she handed him her laptop. He read what she showed him.

"What would the ancestors want with him?" Elijah said, frowning. His brown eyes searched Bonnie's face for answers, but all she was focused on was him, looking for the same answers.

"What's the history there?" she asked.

"We have lived in New Orleans on two different occasions; you know how well my family is at pissing off witches." Elijah said she nodded.

"No, I mean with Vincent and the ancestors; it seems like he hates the ancestors but," she trailed off.

"Yeah, no one else took up the mantle until he did; you know how the ancestors are; they don't help you unless it serves them." Elijah said dismissively, "But if he really possesses one, it could mean trouble for us." He frowned. He didn't like the idea of them having a foot in the living, doing whatever pleases them, and working on a way to destroy his family.

"What happens when they have no leader?" she asked him.

"Magic goes on a frenzy and then completely stops," Elijah said

"So basically, Vincent is a conductor?" she asked, looking at him intensely, making him shift in his seat Elijah shook his head

"Its more complicated than that; Vincent is their way of controlling the masses; their spells are done, which means covens are in control," Elijah pondered. "If they lose ancestral magic, there is no telling what really becomes of them," he said as he looked into the fire.

"The longest they were without a leader was after Davina." Elijah said, "They were people who tried before Vincent, but because the ancestors didn't want them, I think they died or were just asleep." Elijah said

"Like a coma?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows. He nodded.

"I have something else to ask of you but it will have to wait until we are back," she said

"Anything," Elijah promised. Bonnie laid her head back on the chair and smiled with her eyes closed. She yawned.

"We really shouldn't  make promises we cant keep," Bonnie said

"I promised my friends I would always be there for them, and here I am working with the enemy, cities away from them." Bonnie said

"I love them so much, yet I wasn't there when Caroline found out she was pregnant when she lost her mom. I wasn't there for Elena when Jeremy left, when Damon left her." Bonnie said, "They both needed me to protect them from Kai, and yet I told them no."

"Bonnie, they broke their promise with you first." Elijah said, confused at her loyalty

"I don't want what they did to me to define our friendship or how I treat them," she said. "I do not need anger; it will just leave me alone."

"Bonnie, what I have learned over the years is that anger protects you; yes, it causes you too lash out at those who do not deserve you, but if you keep it in, you will lose control."

"The only emotion that isolates you is fear: fear of change, fear of love, fear of being unworthy and Bonnie, you are one of the most fearless people I know, cause you deserve all those things and more," Elijah said firmly

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