Just relax

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"Is everything ready?" Bonnie asked, looking through the grimoire.

"Yes, stop worrying the more you worry." Lucy began

"More chances of mistakes, I know, but if he's ever freed, I don't know what allies he has," Bonnie said, her eyebrows furrowed, looking at the vampire's face.

Lucy smirked. "Who needs allies when you're a Bennett witch? I'm sure they chose him for a reason other than him double-crossing our family; if he has any allies, I'm sure even they won't find him here." Lucy said she knew her cousin was anxious, but they worked on a spell that would make it impossible for any locator spell to be done on him unless done by two Bennett witches or a Bennett and a Mikaelson. Though they planned on keeping the family together, they would do everything to protect their family.

Everyone they interacted with was compliant, and if they ran into witches along the way, they thought it was sisters and their partners. Bonnie put down the book and closed the coffin. She breathed out before stretching her hands out and taking Lucy's hand. The two witches started to chant, as they did. The forest around them grew quiet. Elijah, who was downstairs, felt a slight pressure in his ear that made him partially deaf. His teeth descended as if they were trying to take in the magic the girl was using. He smelled blood and raced upstairs to where they were, but the room was shut tight.

"Where are we?" Lucy asked to bring Bonnie back down to earth. She opened her eyes to look around and saw she was in the Bennett house.

"We're home," Bonnie said. She heard Hiwa running in their direction. She opened her hands for a hug but ran right through her. Lucy's eyebrows raised as Bonnie looked in her direction.

"So obviously not complete there." Lucy frowned, Bonnie nodded, and turned around to see they were at the door that she assumed led to the basement. She never explored that room; she never saw the reason to.

"Girl, what the fuck is going on? How do we get back?" Lucy fretted next to her. Bonnie shrugged her shoulders. She went up to the door and tried to turn the knob, expecting it to go through the door, but she had a firm grip on it. She turned to Lucy, who stepped closer to her. She tried to turn the knob, but it wouldn't budge.

Lucy put her hand over hers and turned to her, thinking that since the two came together, they'd have to do it together. When they opened the door, they immediately stepped back, and a girl fell. Bonnie stooped to touch her, but her hand went through. She grew worried, and her heart felt heavy. The girl's hand was bruised; she looked like she was at death's door.

"Ahhhhhh!" she heard Hiwa's piercing scream before she disappeared. She and Lucy both woke up on the floor.


Amaka rushed to see why Hiwa was screaming, with Zaci not far behind her. When she reached Hiwa, she saw Hiwa shaking a lady on the floor. Amaka pulled Hiwa behind her as Zaci took her place.

When Zaci placed her on her back, she gasped. She started to cry; it was her aunt. What cruel joke is this? Amaka pulled away from Hiwa and went next to Zaci on the floor.

"Aunt Kamali?" Amaka called out, staring at the person she thought was on the long list of people she had lost over time.

"You know her?" Zaci asked, and she nodded

"It's my father's sister; I haven't seen her in years we thought she died with." She stopped and tried to shake the tears that were threatening to come.

"Okay, help lift her to somewhere more comfortable," Zaci instructed, placing her hands under her shoulders to lift her. Amaka took her feet.

"I called Hope and told her to bring some healing blood," Hiwa said, coming into the room as they walked to the room downstairs.

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