Caught up

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Bonnie looked at the ocean as she sat and reflected on the past years of her life: surviving Kai, being an anchor, and dying from practising expression. Yet this is the first time she's truly caught a break, aside from taking care of the new anchor for now and also her dreams. But she is finally catching a break from Mystic Falls and its everlasting magical drama, which always got her hurt or killed.

Packing a suitcase and leaving Mystic Falls was the best thing she ever did. Bonnie spent the past month driving from Mystic Falls, going anywhere to find peace, and just enjoying herself. Right now, she is in Florida, enjoying the beaches and the heat on her skin. This trip would have been something she did with Elena and Caroline once, but she was here alone.

Being alone made Bonnie think of her dream-the dream she has had twice since she has been here.

Bonnie was holding a baby in her arms that had bright green eyes and brown curly hair while she watched her husband and a girl play. She didn't know who the girl was or how she got there, but she loved the little girl like it was hers. Suddenly, her husband is bleeding out, and she is trying frantically to heal him, but nothing is working. Worse of all, the children are nowhere to be found. Bonnie is left alone again, and she just sits there crying with blood on her hands until she drowns in both.

Bonnie doesn't know what to make of the dream. Is it why she needs to go to New Orleans? To make it happen? To stop it? Who are the people in her dream? She never saw their faces, only her baby's.

Bonnie didn't know why she needed to go to New Orleans, but all her dreams are constantly leading her there; she has even been looking at homes there, but she wants to spend her first week exploring before she makes a permanent decision.

Bonnie sat there on her blanket, looking out at the ocean, making plans for the future.


A few days later

Bonnie finally made it; she was in New Orleans. She felt calm and alive. Her magic felt energised. She could feel the city's magic-the magic of the witches, werewolves, and even the vamps.

Bon couldn't wait to add hers to the mix; practising magic in New Orleans would be a treat. After Bonnie made it to New Orleans, she rested in her car for a few hours, got something to eat, and now she was exploring her first place, a park. She planned to catch up on some reading and ask someone who lived here about the best place to stay while she was house hunting.

Bon had spotted a bench to settle on and started to walk towards it when a little girl ran into her, causing her to both of them to fall. Bon looked down and saw a pretty little girl with freckles on her cheeks and brown hair and eyes.

"I'm sorry," the little girl said, but before she could reply, someone interrupted her.
"Hope what I tell you about running ahead of me," she heard a woman's voice say.
"But mom, how will you catch me?" Hope replied, causing me to chuckle. She finally got up from me and went to her mom. I got up and dusted myself up, and I looked and saw I knew her mom; it was Hayley Tyler's friend.

"Bonnie, what are you doing here?" Hayley looked at me, tensed up, and picked up Hope. She thinks I would attack her? especially since she's a mom?

"I'm here to read," I said, lifting my book up to show her, hoping it would ease her mind.

"No, I mean in New Orleans." She said
"Oh, I'm staying here for a few weeks." I looked her in the eye. "By chance, do you know any good hotels? I just got here," I said, noticing her shoulders relaxing. I'm glad she's not looking to fight anymore; this city is big, and there is no way we will constantly run into each other, especially if I find a witch friend.

"Mommy, she's like me," Hope said while wiggling her mom's arms and walking over to me. Hope held my hand, and I jumped back a bit. Her magic was very powerful.

I looked at Hayley and saw that she was at ease. Hope started to pull me away towards the bench, and in return, I manifested a few butterflies for Hope to chase while Hayley sat next to me. As much as Hayley was sceptical and tense around me, I was glad to see a familiar face, and I told her that much.

I spent the rest of the afternoon telling Hayley about my journey here, and I even went hunting for flowers with Hope and showed her how to grow one when she can't find one. Hayley eventually relaxed completely. I gave her my number, and she told me a good hotel to stay at.

"I would like to see you again, but this time without Hope, so we can talk more," Hayley said as she and Hope walked me towards my car. I nodded and agreed.

"But mom, I want to see Bonnie again too," Hope shouted. Hayley looked down at her and said she would.

"When you want to meet, just call me and we can set something up," I said, getting into my car, waving them off, and driving towards the hotel Hayley suggested.

I'm going to love living here. I thought while dragging my hand through my curls to slacken the pony in my hair.

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