Hold On

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By the time Bonnie met most of the pack, it was nighttime and time for her to go. She knew she had definitely missed her flight. Sorry, Elijah, but the spirits said, Enjoy Germany. Visit the food places and shop for all that.

She let one of the pack members take her home after promising she'd bring Klaus.  Why they even want to see him is beyond her, but she loves the man, so who is she to judge?

Bonnie basically crawled up to her room, ready to shower and get some rest. Hopefully, she opened the door, and it was silent and dark with no signs of Lucy. Maybe she went to Elijah after I left. She walked out her door towards his room.

Bonnie rapped on Elijah's door, and he came to answer in a towel. Bonnie smiled at him while he frowned instead, worry in his eyes.

"Have you seen Lucy?" she asked

"Where were you?" he asked, looking at her for any signs of distress. Bonnie felt his eyes on her.

"I'm fine, I swear; I just ran into a far-off family member." She said she touched her body to emphasise her point. "See, no injuries," she said. Elijah nodded.

"So Lucy?" she said, motioning her hands.

"She'll come soon; our flight is in an hour," Elijah answered. Bonnie smirked and marched back to her room. She took a shower, and when she was out, Lucy was lying on the bed with a smile.

"Lucy," she teased. Lucy came up to her and held Bonnie still, searching her for signs of distress.

"Alright, mom," Bonnie said, pulling away from her.

"Don't Mom me, if it wasn't for this ring, I would have thought someone kidnapped you in this racist ass country." She said Bonnie laughed because she thought she was being kidnapped.

"You put data in our phones to communicate; why didn't you text?" She asked, and Bonnie went to her small bag and pulled out her phone. Lucy's eyes widen.

"You went without it?" She shouted, and Bonnie nodded.

"Where did you go?" she asked

"Can I change and sleep before I answer," Bonnie said

"Nope, we leave soon. Your dress will sleep on the plane." Lucy said Bonnie groaned.

"Well, unless you can get the plane delayed again," Bonnie shook her head. She wanted to be in New Orleans, and she missed the girls and her man.

"Well, stop complaining," Lucy said

"Why aren't you complaining?" she asked, taking out her clothes. "You seem mighty chipper, and there is a twinkle in your eyes." Lucy rolled her eyes.

"My eyes always have a twinkle in them." Lucy huffed, and Bonnie laughed

"But it is brighter now," Bonnie said Lucy remained silent. "Fine, I'll tease the hell out of you when we are at the airport," Bonnie sang

"Fine, me and Elijah, have sex, you happy," Lucy exclaimed

"Nope, you should have said it sooner," Bonnie said, pushing her shoulder.

"Please, you already knew, plus you're going to hell for not telling me." Lucy said, "All I got was that I don't mind what you do; you would lose your mind behind that man." She frowned, and she prayed he didn't hear them.

"Well, I wasn't warned either," she giggled. Lucy threw one of the small pillows at Bonnie.

"That's beside the point; how do I move on after?" she said

"Bold of you to assume you can move on." Bonnie said, "Elijah doesn't sleep with just anybody; his brothers can do the seduction for him." Bonnie said, thinking of Klaus's brother; she remembered that she needed to make contact with him soon.

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