Am I the Killer?

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Klaus was in his study painting after putting Hope down for her afternoon nap. when Elijah appeared with a glass of Scotch in his hands.

"You'll never guess who I saw in New Orleans today," Elijah said. The way he said it caused Klaus to become tense, and Elijah sounded apprehensive, and he rarely sounds that way.

"Was the enemy new or old?" Klaus asked. Though he couldn't be killed, he still had to think of his daughter; she was way too young to be a vampire, especially against her will. The irony wrote itself.

"It was Bonnie Bennett," Elijah stated tensely. Klaus was shaken when the little witch did what even his mother couldn't do and brought him to his knees not once but twice. He only survived because of interference, though she can usually be reasoned with, unlike his other enemies. If she truly left her mystic fall friends, she would be a force to be reckoned with. The last time he heard about her, she had died along with the unlikable Salvatore brother.

"She seemed shocked and upset to see me," Elijah continued after he didn't respond. Elijah probably thought that he was thinking of the time he set me up to be killed, but it was far from my mind.

"Now that she knows you are here, you think she might cause trouble, especially with those bumbling idiots." He knew it was highly unlikely; the brothers knew where he was, and they were not stupid enough to come attack him in his city, he assumed. If she was alone, he could deal with her—maybe have Freya bump into her.

"Why do you guys look like you are planning a murder?" Hayley said jokingly as she walked in and sat on the sofa he had in there when she got no answer.

"Come on, who is Klaus pissed off now? "Things have been calm for awhile now," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Bonnie Bennett is in town," Elijah answered.

"Oh yeah, I saw her when she arrived; she said it was just for a few days." Hayley said. Klaus got a little angry at her.

"You saw her," Klaus growled. "Yeah, she told me she left Mystic Falls, so I'm guessing they had a fallout, plus Hope saw and loved her, so I didn't think to raise your paranioa." Hayley got defensive. Klaus was about to grab her, but Elijah intercepted, and he remembered his promise to be civil for hope's sake. Klaus asked Halyley to tell him what happened between the three, and he listened.

After he listened, Klaus knew that he would have to see Bonnie for himself before he made any firm plans.


Bonnie has been in New Orleans for nine days, and she ran into two familiar faces. Hayley was fairly pleasant; she even called Bonnie yesterday to take her out one night, and the scum of the earth Elijah Mikealson,  he was the one who ordered her or her mom to be killed, which in turn led the brothers to flipping a coin and turning her mom into a vampire, therefore breaking the little relationship she had built with her mother over the few weeks she was in town. During her time in the prison world, she loved to think about what would happen if she didn't become a vampire? What if her mom came when Gram died? Would she be the forever sacrificing her life solve to Mystic Falls' magical problems?

Bonnie didn't know how she should take Elijah being in New Orleans just as she decided to settle here. She would like to think of settling somewhere else, but her soul calls to be in New Orleans.

Bonnie pushed away her thoughts of leaving New Orleans. She had made an appointment with a realtor to see a few homes; three would be private, and one was an open house. When she looked at the listings online, none of them seemed right, so she decided, being a witch and all, it would be better to visit in person.

Bonnie began to dress so she could be on time to meet the realtor. So she wore a peach off-the-shoulder skirt along with a pleated black skirt and peach sandals. She had her hair in twists earlier and had placed it into a 'messy bun' using a claw clip. She looked in the mirror, was satisfied with how she looked, and entered the elevator to go to the hotel lobby.

When Bonnie was about to walk through the hotel doors, she had this feeling like she was being watched, but when she looked around, she saw no one but the receptionist helping a guest and a woman with dark caramel skin mopping the floor that connected to the bar. Bonnie shook her head and started walking. If it's malevolent, your protection spell on the anklet should ward it off. She jumped into her car and drove to meet the realtor.

Bonnie was upset because all three houses she saw were just not right; yes, they were beautiful, but none said that she could grow a life here. She hoped the last one would at least hit some mark, or she would have to stay in the hotel a little longer. She told the realtor she will go by herself.

As she pulled up to the house, Bonnie sighed. The house was painted an ugly orange color. Bon decided to still give the house a try and walked into it. She was greeted by someone, given a glass of local juice, and directed to the person who was showing off the house. When the tour was over, Bonnie knew that the house was not the right one.

She walked up to her car, and someone came up behind her and tapped her shoulder. She immediately knew they were a witch.

"You're not a New Orleans witch; do you plan on joining a coven?" the witch said as she turned around. Bonnie observed the witch; she had a dark mocha complexion and kinky red hair. Bonnie shook her head at her. She didn't want her magic to be connected to those spirits at all.

"I'm not looking to recruit you or anything; I'm just curious," the witch said, stepping back from her. "I am Zaci Jones," she continued. Bonnie nodded and said her first name. She didn't want anyone to know she was a Bennett; her bloodline was clearly the Elena of witches.

"Look, witches here are going to start noticing you soo; I can feel you are very powerful, but I wouldn't personally advise you joining one; they tend to over look us." Zaci said, "Well, the 'popular ones," anyway, there are a few black covens, but they still have to answer to the ancestors." Zaci chimed in. She nodded at Zaci. She knew witches born in New Orleans didn't have much choice but to stay here if they wanted to feel connected to their magic.

"You are the first witch to approach me, actually," Bonnie told Zaci. "I'm glad I would like to be friends with you before the other witches start swarming," Zaci said.

Zaci invited Bonnie to a good food spot that she went to often; the owner was a black witch and only prepared food native to this area. When we arrived, Zaci told me more about New Orleans, and she asked Zaci about the covens here in New Orleans. As Bonnie talked to her, an idea began to form in her head that she couldn't shake.

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