Real People Do

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Bonnie just dropped the girls off for their first day of school and about to go to the café for a snack while she attended classes, when she say the vampire that escaped her grip the day she met Amaka. She didn't know why he was attacking her, was it because she was a witch? was because she was Bennett ? She followed him from  across the road where she was for a while observing him before deciding what she could do.

She crossed the road and continued to follow him watching him talking on the phone completely ignoring her presence, she wasn't angry merely amused at how he could act so non-chalant, this one must be Klaus-made, he eventually walked into an alley and she walked right into his trap.

"If you wanted me babygirl, you didn't have to stalk me," He said flashing his fangs and looking at her perversely.  Bonnie just smiled and broke his kneecaps causing his dark green eyes to widen and  him to fall groaning in  pain.

"I'm going to fucking kill you," he growled, 

"We'll see about that," she said melting his brains, "Now you may have a hard time remembering," she said but she felt a vampire creeped up on her she slammed to the wall and was about to burn him up when, she looked and see him and stopped, it was Marcellus, the black vampire from her dream, Klaus adopted son. He was even more handsome in person, his eyes widen, marcel was sure the witch was about to burn him alive, but something stopped her and he was glad for that, she nodded at him and he watch him turn back to Micheal, not a vampire he liked very much, he was a bit too arrogant at times, but he was the one the vampires that kept him up-to-date of what was happening in his city.

He watched the witch, her curls neatly in a one except for the two tendrils in front, she was absolutely beautiful and her magic that surrounded his body, was powerful at first it was harsh, lashing out at him for touching her, but when she saw him, he felt this warmth surrounded his body almost has he was protected, he had never felt this sensation before that's how he knows she wasn't a New Orleans witch.

"As I was saying before I was interrupted, you may not remember me, but you might remember another girl same green eyes as mines, skin a bit darker, her hair more kinky and was in two afro-puffs am I jogging your memory," The vampire was bleeding through his noses, he felt a bit disoriented all his senses blinding him, he felt like he was transitioning again, but he nodded he remembered the girl, he even remember their last run in, he didn't remember this.

Marcel watch as she let the vampire heal, 

"Good, why were you after her?" she asked, the vampire spit at her shoe.

"The little bitch stepped on my foot and walked away without saying nothing, she needs to know her kind no longer runs this city," he said angrily.

"Do you mind telling me who does?" Bonnie asked, pretending to think "It wouldn't happen to be a vampire with blonde hair, blue eyes a bit temperamental and moody?" Marcel listened as the witch described Klaus.

"Yes vampires run this city," he said, Bonnie laughed and put him on his knees with her magic.

"Klaus, isn't exactly a Vampire though," Bonnie said "and I don't take kind into vampires attacking kids, especially when they're my family," Bonnie lifted his chin and looked him in his eyes.

"Do you understand?" she asked, the vampire eyes  started to bleed,  but he nodded, he just needed the little bitch to let him go, he'll get her back another time. she smiled and release him and he went rushing leaving Marcel to his own bearings, Marcel watch as the vampire scream from the burn on the sunlight, his head whipped back to the witch who sole focus was on him, he wiggled to see if the he would be free from the wall. thinking he was next.

"I would like you not to attack me when I release you alright?" she said, Marcel nodded. She let him go, he fell to his chest.

"Sorry," she said offering her hand to help him up. he looked at her hand like it was the plague and pushed himself up.

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