Met a guy from England

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Elijah looked at his siblings and their reaction to the news that Mikael is near, they even called him the original who kills other vampires.

"You guys can leave, I'm staying." Finn said, all his siblings snapped his head to look at him.

"what do you mean you're not leaving?" Kol asked

"You can't possible stay for the floozy, who fancy herself in love with you?" Klaus said

"Look we all know that father is after you," Finn said, "I don't see why, I have to keep running,"

Elijah glared at Finn, "father maybe after Mikael but he resents all of us, if he gets Klaus he'll come for us next."

Klaus walked out of their hut not caring for conversation these days, its been 10 years since his encounter with the vampires hunters and each day, the hallucinations got worse, right now he was working on seeing how long to he could last without blood, maybe that would free him from the hunter that insisted he died.

Elijah tried to help his brother but nothing he did could stop him from his little experiments to end his life, He was beginning to think Niklaus might give up and let Mikel catch him.

"Say your goodbyes Finn, we leave at sunset," Elijah warned

When Elijah left, it was him and Rebekah alone in the tent, "Rebekah, you don't have to go, I know Niklaus blames you for his mind being broken but years of running from Mikael and nothing as change, stay with me," Finn pleaded to her.

"Finn," Rebekah didn't know what to say, she loved her brothers but Nik has always been there for her and she just couldn't leave them when he needed her the most.

"What kind of life can you have with her, we are immortal, we can't have kids, we don't age," Rebekah said looking at him with tears in her eyes. "We can love but we have to move."

"What kind of life is that? we deserve more than this." Finn said angrily. Rebekah shook her head at him.

"Leave her, she deserves a better life than laying with someone who can't keep her warm," Rebekah said

"Maybe there is a way," Finn said

"if there was don't you think we would have discovered it by now?' Rebekah voice trembles, she touches Finn's face but he turns away. "there are more dangers than Mikael."

"I'm staying, I just can't be trapped with this family that hates me." Finn said

"We never hate you, you never give us the chance too, not even to love you." Rebekah said, she wiped her tears away and walked out the hut.

Finn went to Visit Vanesther, when he walked into the hut, he saw she was drained of blood, he was instantly filled with anger and rushed off to his brothers but Elijah intercept him.

"Now that you have no other obligations you can come with family," Elijah said with a smile

"Why?" Finn said

"You were going to leave us, I had to take up the role of the responsible older brother again." Elijah simply said, he didn't kill his lover, he didn't have time for that but it works in his favor. If it was Klaus, Finn would have even more reason to stay.

Finn was dejected, here he had a chance of love, he could have turned her but they stole that for him, that's all this family did.

Finn walked into the compound where he quite literally ran into his sister Freya,

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