Chapter twenty

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- Mark, are you going to work tomorrow? I think you should go to sleep, it's so late
- Yet you're the one who can't stop yawning
- Pfff, I'm not working
- You're right, but I know you're sleepy too
- let's go to sleep, okay?
- Yesiiiir
- Don't make so much noise, it's late
Mark got up from the couch, turned off the TV, took Renjun by the arm, gently stroking his head, and they went to the bedroom.
- Stop shouting. And why are you asking now? You always sleep with me anyway
- That's true
- Come
They both got into bed and a few minutes later, Mark turned off the lights.
- Mark
- ...
- Are you asleep?
- Mmm...
- What's the matter?
- I can't sleep, I shouldn't have taken a nap earlier
- But you kept yawning when we were in the living room
- try to sleep, will you?
- But I can't
- A real baby
Suddenly Mark felt arms wrap around him. He didn't question it, but instead, he hugged Renjun tightly, pulling him closer.
- why are you shaking all of a sudden?
- ...
- Do you want me to turn on the lights?
- NO
- hahaha
- Stop laughing, it's not funny
- Alright, alright, don't sulk
Mark gave Renjun an even tighter hug, feeling him squirming around. Suddenly, Mark found himself lying on his back instead of his side, with a small body sitting on top of him. Then he quickly turned on the light.
- What are you doing Junnie?
- yes but...
- fuck you
- Eh?
- nothing
He got up from Mark and then went to lie on the other side of the bed, turning his back to Mark. Mark tried to pull him by the arm, but Renjun was resisting.
- look at me
- No, I won't
- Are you crying, Junnie?
- I'm not
- Look at me!
- ...
Mark pulled him by the arm and turned Renjun towards him. Renjun's face was full of tears and his cheeks were pink.
- hey hey hey, come here, don't cry
Mark gave him a tight hug and gently ran his fingers through his hair.
- I'm so sorry, I got the wrong idea, don't blame me
- What are you talking about, Junie? It's okay
Renjun pulled away from Mark's embrace and looked at him, tears welling up in his eyes. Mark's heart sank as he saw the tears. It hurt him deeply, and he couldn't quite comprehend the pain he felt. Mark reached out and took Renjun's arm, pulling him into another hug. Renjun held onto him tightly, unable to hold back his tears.
- hey, look at me
Renjun barely had a chance to lift his head from Mark's shoulder when Mark leaned in, placing his lips on Renjun's and giving him a passionate kiss.
Mark held him tightly, their embrace growing stronger with each passing moment. Eventually, Mark gently laid Renjun down on the bed and positioned himself on top of him.
- ...
- Are you all right?
- ...
- I see
- You kissed me...
- ...
- Mark, I...
- Don't say anything, Junie
Mark fell into his arms once more and they stayed like that for hours.
- Are you asleep, Junie?
- ....
Mark sat up in the bed, facing Renjun, his mind buzzing with countless thoughts:
- I'm really questioning my feelings for Junie now. I'm feeling lost and unsure of myself. I don't want to hurt him, he means so much to me. But Haechan...will he come back? Will I get to see him again? Am I only attracted to Junnie because I'm lacking affection?
Should I give us a chance, Renjun? I don't want to hurt him. I need to be sure of myself...I have to be sure of myself. He started caressing Renjun's face and then his hair. As he moved closer, he placed a gentle kiss on his forehead and finally laid beside him, falling asleep.


- Wake up little angel
- Mmmm what is it?
- I made breakfast
- hahah
- You're so early
- I knew you'd wake up if I mentioned food
- ....
- Hahahah
- You're so mean, I'm hungry now
- Don't pout
- Pff
- I've got to go to work
- Don't leave me alone
- I really have to go, Junie
- I wanna go with you
- To work?
- Of course to work
- Cmon Junie, you'll get bored
- Pleaseeeee
- Junnie
- Please, let me go with you
- All right, but hurry, I'll be late
- yes ,yes
- you ready Junie ?
- Yes, let's go
- Come
They left the house and headed for Mark's work. There was an awkward silence in the car. Renjun looked as if he wanted to say something, but held back. Mark noticed.
- Are you okay, Junie?
- Mmm, yes
- you promise me?
- Yes, I promise
Mark took Renjun's hand and kissed it.
- what was that??!?!?!
Renjun's face turned red, he was shaking and didn't know what to say.
- You weren't so shy yesterday, said Mark, laughing.
-shut up, I'm embarrassed
- Ahahahah
Renjun bowed his head and smiled. A few moments later they arrived at the office. Mark was holding Renjun's hand as they entered the large, luxurious building, his father's company.
- ahh you walk so fast, uncle won't be angry if you're late
- It's not for him that I'm hurrying, I'm a bit behind in my work
- Pfff you work too much
- Ahahah
They arrived at Mark's workplace. It was a giant room with glasses as walls that everyone could see through unless the curtains were drawn. Right against Mark's room was his father's. Both rooms were identical. The man saw them arrive and left his office, heading for Mark's.
- uncle!" shouted Renjun, throwing himself into the man's arms
- Renjun, how are you? the gentleman replied affectionately, hugging the young man
- Oh everything's fine, it's been so long since I've seen you, I've missed you so much
- You never ask about me, son
- Hey, don't put me in that
- Hahahahah, you two
- Pffff
- How's Henri?
- Oh he's fine, he's been traveling for his business, you know how he is
- He never stops, I'll have a word with him.
- Oh thank you uncle!!
- Ahahah, you're welcome son
- Eheheh
- Mark, I need to talk to you later
- ...yes dad
- Okay I'll leave now, I have a lot of work waiting for me
- See you later uncle
- See you boys
No sooner had the gentleman left the room than Mark pressed a button and all the curtains came down, then the room darkened and the lights came on.
- I'm going to get to work, Junie, then I'll see dad later
- Ahhh, I'll be bored
- I warned you
- Pfff, can I at least talk to you?
- No, I need silence
- Come on
He sat down on one of the office couch, then stretched out on it. Mark was focus on his work and wouldn't take his eyes off the documents on his desk even for a second. Some time later, Renjun got up from the couch and started to walk around him, looking at what he was doing, and touching the documents.
- Would you like to learn how to work?
- Oh me, never. I don't even understand why you work, you don't need to
- Ahahah
- Is uncle forcing you?
- I just like working, and I like this job
- Pfff, you talk so much like an adult
- But I'm an adult
- If you like
Renjun started circling him at a distance before stopping behind him and kissed his neck. Mark turned around and grabbed his hand, pulling him closer.
- ....
- Why are you blushing?
- But no, I... I
Mark got up from the armchair while still holding Renjun's hand and led him to one of the room's couch. He sat Renjun down on his lap and held him tightly, gazing at him with affection.
- Why are you looking at me like that...
- Didn't you want me to pay attention to you?
- I never said that
- You've been hovering over me ever since we got here, though...
- ....
Mark held onto Renjun's waist even tighter before bringing him closer and kissing his neck and cheeks.
- Mark ... someone will see us
- We're alone, don't worry
Renjun looked into Mark's eyes and felt the love and affection shining brightly in them. He also felt his heart beating strongly and passionately. Overwhelmed with emotions, he threw himself into Mark's arms, hugging him tightly. After breaking free from the embrace, he removed his clothes:
- I want to be yours
- Junie...
Renjun looked away and threw himself back into Mark's arms. Mark held him tightly, then began to kiss him all over his body. He stood up, still holding him, and headed for one of the doors of the room. He opened the door and the next second, they were in another room, furnished like a normal bedroom. Renjun didn't say a word. Mark closed the door and laid Renjun down on the bed, then got on top of him. He kissed him all over his body, cuddled him, then took off the rest of his clothes.
- Mark...
Mark kissed him on the forehead, lay on top of him, then penetrated him. Renjun let out a groan of pain, then clutched Mark so hard that his fingers dug into his flesh. Mark started to move, and was going harder and harder into Renjun's body. Renjun moaned and seemed to enjoy it even tho he was in pain.
- Mark... I'm coming
Mark began kissing his neck, then biting his nipples. The young boy trembled with pleasure, and the next second, he was moaning and shaking. Mark went more and more into him, bit his nipples and sensually touched his dick. He hugged Renjun's small body extremely tightly in his arms and entered him as if to make one with him. He ended up cumming in him but always kept him tight against him. Mark kissed him on the forehead and made him lie down on the bed beside him.
- How do you feel, Junie?
- I'm...happy
The boy looked at Mark with shining, tear-filled eyes. The soft, sincere look struck Mark's heart. He kissed him again on the forehead.
- I'm happy too
And they lay there, one in the other's arms.
- ...Mark
Renjun had just woken up. He was alone in the room. He hurried to get dressed and went out of the room.
- ah, you're awake
- You left me!
- You were sleeping so peacefully, I didn't want to wake you up
- Oh...
- I'm done. Let's go home.
- Already? BUT!?
- Look over there
- Oh my God, did I sleep that long?
- yes ahah, you must be hungry
- We'll get something to eat before going home
- oh, did you talk to uncle ?
Mark's face darkens.
- mmm yes, we talked
- Are you alright?
- Yes, don't worry
- But...
Mark went over to him and kissed him on the forehead.
- Come on, let's go
- Yes...
They walked out of the office, hands in hands, and Mark stopped for a moment in front of his father's office and sighed. Then he pulled Renjun and they left.
They stopped by the restaurant, grabbed some food and headed home.
- Mark, there's someone crouching in front of the door...
- ...
- Mark I'm scared
- Stay in the car, and don't open it until I come back, understood?
- yes
Mark got out of the car and walked cautiously to the door.
- Excuse me?
- ...
- Looking for someone?
The stranger lifted his head from his lap and turned his face to Mark:
- Mark
- ....Haechan!


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