Chapter nineteen

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- What the hell is happening ?? What's wrong with him?!! said Johnny
Mark quickly ran out of the room to stop Haechan, but when he reached the living room, fear gripped him as he saw Haechan lying on the floor. He called out for Johnny, who immediately came downstairs.
- hell!
- Help me get him back to the bedroom
- sure
- And please call the doctor back
They brought the boy back to the room, gently laying him down in the bed. Mark sat beside his bedside, anxiously waiting, while Johnny made the call to the doctor.
- I don't understand, everything was fine and...
-Well, what were you expecting? Bringing a stranger home and hoping everything would be okay?
- ...
- You're so immature sometimes! It's unbelievable!
- Johnny stops shouting
- Don't tell me what to do
- Hmmm
- Look, Sleeping Beauty's waking up!
Indeed, Haechan had woken up. He looked really scared and worried. He glanced around the room, then curled up and covered his face with his hands.
- you're awake...
- Please let me go
- ....
- What the hell are you talking about?, said Johnny
- I want to go, please
The boy started crying loudly, and it left Mark feeling confused and sad. He couldn't understand why it was happening or what had caused his happiness to crumble.
- Haechan
- Mark, please let me go
- Can you at least tell us what's going on? Johnny shouted
- ...
The room went quiet. Mark lowered his head, completely lost. Haechan got out of bed, walked slowly to the door, then quickly down the stairs and out of the house. Neither Mark nor Johnny made a move.
- Mark
- Don't say anything, please don't say anything
Johnny came and sat down beside him.
- I'll call the doctor and tell him there's no need for him to come
The two young men sat there in the bed for hours without saying a word.
- Are you alright?
- I'm still confused
- But where did he go?
- I don't understand what happened. Everything was fine
- Probably some idiot who just wanted to take advantage of your kindness. Some people can be really selfish like that
- Oh, Johnny!
- But what, I'm telling the truth
- He's not like that
- How do you know?
- I know him
- How do you know?
- I just do! I just do
- You're really unbelievable. How can you be so naive?
- He's in danger out there
- Well that's his problem now
- How can you say that?
- That boy was up to no good, I knew it
- Please stop
- Well, what do we do now?
- I don't know...
- I'll stay with you. You need company, I think
- I'm okay
- Are you sure?
- Yeah, I'm fine. I just need some time to think. Alone
- Hmmm
Johnny slowly got out of bed and headed for the door.
- Call me anytime
- I know
- Will you be alright?
- Yes, don't worry
Johnny walked out of the room and left. Mark lay back on the bed, and before he realized it, tears started welling up in his eyes.
- what happened? Weren't we happy? I didn't do anything, did I? We were happy.
With that last word, he drifted off to sleep, hugging the pillow Haechan usually sleeps on.

A month after that painful event, Mark's life was back to normal. He went to work every day, read at night, and would hang out with Johnny and Renjun from time to time. He didn't hear from Haechan since the day he left. He now had a knot in his heart and his face was always sad. Renjun noticed it and was doing his best to cheer him up. Of course, he'd been told what happened, but he didn't really feel any sadness - he'd always loved Mark. He just felt sorry and sad to see him so sad. They would talk on the phone almost every day, and Renjun, who had been hiding his feelings deep down, was now letting them out without even realizing it. He loves Mark, and those feelings were going to change everything.
_____Tuesday, 4pm
Mark came home early that day and was lying in bed with a book in his hand. He had the TV on because, for some reason he didn't know himself, he found it easier to concentrate on reading with some background noise. All of a sudden, the door to his room swung open.
- I didn't get scared. You failed again
- Hey, that's not fair. I'm sure you heard me come in
- I promise I didn't
- Then why weren't you scared?
- I knew I wasn't in danger
-come onnnnn ! stop lying
- Come here so I can pull your hair
Renjun ran to the bed and jumped on Mark.
- hey you're going to hurt yourself
- You're making so much noise
- I'm not
Mark laughed and was playfully pinching his cheeks. Renjun was staring at him with a look full of admiration and affection.
- at least you're smiling now
- I always smile when I'm with you
- You'd stopped smiling
Mark lowered his head, then suddenly raised it.
- I'll smile more often just for you Junnie
- Oh Mark
He threw himself into his arms to give him a hug.
- hey be careful, you'll end up knocking us off the bed
- Pfff, I'm very careful
- I believe you
Then they both started laughing. Renjun suddenly got out of bed and started shouting:
- I'm hungry, I'm so hungry
- You're always hungry
- It's not true, and I haven't eaten all day!
- I told you to stop doing that, you'll end up sick
- I'm sure you haven't eaten either so don't scold me
- A point for you
- SEE!
- Hahahah
- I'm so hungry
- I'll go get something to eat
- You're so funny Junnie. Alright, I'll get ready and head out. Don't worry, I'll be quick!
Mark jumped out of bed and started getting ready to go.
- please come back soon i'm dying
- Shhh, I'll be right back
Mark hurried down the stairs and headed for the restaurant where he usually go.
After fifteen minutes, he came back with a lot of bags full of food in his hands. He put everything on the table and went upstairs to call Renjun.
- hey, guess who's here
- ...
- Oh, he's asleep
What a baby, thought Mark. He said he was starving but as soon as I stepped out, he fell asleep.
Mark changed back into more comfortable clothes and lay down in bed next to Renjun. He turned off the TV, picked up his book and began reading again.
Renjun was tossing and turning in bed, and Mark couldn't help but burst into laughter. But then, something unexpected happened. Renjun turned towards Mark, and his face looked so peaceful and serene, like an angel. It caught Mark off guard, and he found himself unable to look away. Renjun looked like an innocent child, peacefully asleep. Suddenly, Mark's heart skipped a beat, and his face turned red. He tried to distract himself by picking up his book, but he couldn't resist stealing glances at Renjun again and again.

- ahhhhh I FELL ASLEEP
- ...
Renjun woke up and was surprised to see Mark sleeping next to him. He covered his mouth in shock, regretting the previous shouting. He sat on the bed for a moment, staring at Mark, then gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek before getting out of bed. He left the room slowly and made his way down to the living room.
- he brought back food!!!
He jumped up and down, hurried to get a plate and started eating.
- No sooner do you wake up than you jump on the food!
Renjun gasped and turned around. He saw Mark watching him from the top of the stairs, hands crossed.
- AH! I didn't mean to wake you
- You know I never sleep soundly, but don't worry
- Ahhhhh, sorry, sorry, sorry
- Thanks for the kiss
Renjun suddenly froze, then turned his back on Mark.
Mark came down and sat next to him.
- I'm hungry too, let's eat together
- ...
- Hey, can you hear me?
- Ahhh yes, I'll go get another plate for you
He got up hurriedly and returned a few seconds later. They enjoyed their meal and had a great conversation, and before they knew it, the evening had come to a close.


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