Chapter seventeen

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After a month, the two young people really clicked! They got to know each other better and became super close. However, the mystery covering Heachan was still in Mark's mind. But he didn't dare talk about it. He was as curious as ever, but he didn't want to spoil the happiness they were both experiencing.
____ 7pm
It was a Friday evening and Mark wasn't back from work yet. Haechan was sitting in his room, waiting for the man with whom he was now sharing his life.

Mark still wasn't back and Haechan was very worried . He called him several times, but no answer. He thought of calling Johnny or Renjun, but even though he was closer to them now, he didn't dare talk to them much. So he thought that he should just wait a little longer. He went in the living room and lay down on the couch and tried not to have any bad thoughts. Not long after, Mark appeared at the door, looking very angry and upset. But Haechan after waiting so long fell asleep. He got closer to him, put his lips on his forehead, and his face lit up. The anger on his face suddenly dissipated, and he sat down next to Haechan, stroking his hair and then his face.
- ...
- Hey...
- Mark! You're here
He jumped into his arms and wrapped his arms around his neck.
- hey you're gonna break my neck
- Oh... I'm sorry
- Hey, I was teasing you. You were waiting for me?
- of course I was. I was so worried. Why are you back so late?
- Hmm .. I had some things to take care of
- What is it.. you seem angry
- Nothing
- I want to know. What's the problem?
- I said nothing. Stop asking
Mark said this last sentence with a kind of anger that Haechan didn't know him. He removed his arms from him and sat down on the opposite side of the sofa.
- I'm sorry
- No you're not. What's wrong? Why can't you tell me? You look mad and you're just hiding the reason from me
- Listen.. I'm really sorry. I had an argument with my dad at work and I'm just pissed. I shouldn't put my anger on you. I'm sorry
- Your dad? You two work together?
- Well... I work for him
- Wow?? Really? You never told me
- I know... I'm not really proud of that
- What's the problem...
- He's just so controlling and always wants to impose things on me
- ... Mark
- Let's talk about it later, okay ?
- Alright
Mark moved closer to him and gave him a hug
- Oh, are you hungry? I made dinner
-yes, I haven't eaten all day
- Come on, I made everything you like, I hope you find it tasty
They went to the dining table and start eating , chatting and laughing.
After dinner Mark put on a movie and they spent the rest of the night in front of the TV. Then they went up to Mark's room.

*beep beep
Mark opened his eyes and checked his phone:
- Our discussion isn't over. I'm coming tomorrow.
This message, so simple in nature, triggered in Mark's head a huge feeling of anxiety and anger, that vanished as soon as it appeared. He rose abruptly from the bed and went to sit on one of the armchairs in one of the corner of the room. As soon as he stood up, Haechan felt that he was no longer there.
- Mark! Mark!
- I'm here, go back to sleep
- Why are you there? come back to me
He sighed and went back to bed.
- You're okay? I'm worried about you
- dad's coming tomorrow
- Oh...
- Don't worry, it's fine
- I can stay in my room all day if you like. I don't want to embarrass you
- Don't say that again. You won't be any trouble at all. He's the only problem.
- Mark don't say that... after all he's your father
- I know, and I love him a lot but he's really too complicated
- I understand
- Anyway, let's go back to sleep
- okay
- Come into my arms, I wanna hold you
- Pfff
- I love you
- Shhh I love you more

- Mark.
- Mmmm
- Come on, wake up
- I'm tired
- I hear noises downstairs
Mark jumped out of bed. He hurriedly dressed and went down the stairs. Haechan remained crouched on the bed in the bedroom.
Meanwhile, in the living room, Mark was surprised to see his father sitting on the couch.
- You were planning to sleep all day? I see
- Father..
- Come and give your father a kiss, young man.
The man abruptly got up from the couch and pulled his son into his arms and gave him a hug. The man, aged between 45 and 50, was slim build. He had a clean-shaven beard, a perfectly trimmed moustache and his hair as dark as the night. His face was tight and stern.
- You're early, father
- You're the one who spends all his time in bed
- It's Saturday
- Anyway, I need got to talk to you...
Meanwhile, Haechan, still sitting in the bed, was dying of curiosity. He didn't know what was going on downstairs or who was there. He thought he'd better go and see, but a deep, dark thought prevented him from making the slightest move. All of a sudden, some loud noises were coming up, as if people were arguing. His heart began to beat faster and harder, and a drop of cold sweat ran down his forehead.
- But father, you don't understand!
- You need to stop behaving like a kid and start taking your responsibilities!
- Am I not doing enough already? Am I not doing everything you want already ? Don't you own my whole life?
- Will you stop being so dramatic? I asked only one thing
- Father
- Will you shut up?
- ...
- You're my only son and you need to continue what I've started. I decided and you have no choice but to obey
- I'm not a child anymore! I have the right to decide for myself
- Yet you're still acting like a teenager. You don't want any responsibility. Can't you reflect the image of your father!
- It's too much responsibility for me
- I don't want to talk about it anymore
- Dad...
- Give me a some water before I leave, my throat is parched
- Well...
Mark went in the kitchen to get a glass of water for his father as he asked. Meanwhile, Haechan, who heard the noises and screams stop so suddenly, decided to go and see what happened. He slowly slipped out of the room, quietly approached the stairs and crouched down. He starts watching.
Mark was walking his father to the door. A blurred glass wall was hiding the face of the man he was talking to, and Haechan couldn't see who Mark was with.
- Well, son, think again
- You're not even giving me a choice
- I know . But you still have time to put that idea into your head and accept it of your own free will
- ...
- I'm going now, it's going to be a long day for me. Goodbye Son
Haechan still on the top of the stairs, suddenly heard a voice that he recognized. He let out a small gasp, but quickly quieted himself due to the fear that washed over him. He starts shaking ,and his legs felt as if they were glued to the floor. He couldn't move an inch. His eyes stayed wide open, as if he had just witnessed a ghost.
The door closed. Mark waited a moment, looked thoughtful, ran a hand through his hair, then headed for the stairs. After climbing the stairs, he was surprised to see Haechan crouching there, eyes wide open and looking frozen.
- Haechan
- ...
- Hey
- ....
He didn't seem to see or hear Mark. Mark put his hand on his shoulder and he jumped to his feet.
- Mark
- You scared me, are you okay?
- Who were you talking to? This man... who is he?
- Oh, you've seen him
- Who is he?
- He's my father
At these words, a terrible flash passed over Haechan's face, his heart was beating faster and faster.
- your father...
The next second, he fell unconscious into Mark's arms.
- Haechan! Haechan! What's wrong?
- ...


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