Chapter one

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Mark was walking out of the mall, his hands busy with the books he'd just bought. He was walking towards his car when suddenly
- Aaah...
A young man bumped into him and all his books were now on the ground. He looked on his right side and saw the young man on the ground, brown hair, angelic face and full of freckles. The boy looked very thin and frightened. He was sweating profusely, as if he was running away from something.
- excuse me, sir
Then he got up from the ground and kept running. Mark understood nothing of what just happened. He bent down and began to pick up his books. Suddenly he heard:
- STOP! Stop right there!
Mark looked up, thinking the two men were talking to him. But they just passed him and Mark realized they must have been after the boy.
He thought: why are they after him? What did he do?

Mark thought back to the boy's face and sighed. He thought: it's none of my business, but I hope he's all right. He then picked up the rest of his books from the ground,put them in his car and drove off.
Back at home, Mark went straight into the shower. It was a Sunday evening and he wanted to enjoy the rest of his weekend before resuming the hard week's work that lay ahead. After his shower, he climbed into bed, picked up one of the books he'd just bought and began to read. He was lost in his book when he suddenly thought of the boy again. He remembered that sweet face and didn't know why. He banished these thoughts and refocused on his book.

Mark had already been reading for an hour. He felt tired and was thinking of going to bed to get as much rest as possible, but his stomach was making so much noise. He was hungry. He decided to go and get something to eat because he didn't feel like cooking.

He left his house and started walking towards his favorite restaurant.
Arriving at the restaurant, he sat down at his usual table, ordered his favorite dish and waited. Suddenly he noticed the young boy who had bumped into him earlier in the restaurant. He thought it was a huge coincidence and wondered how the boy could be here.

He thought he'd go and talk to him and find out if he was all right.
- you bumped into me earlier. Are you alright?
The boy gasped, then looked at Mark.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
Mark sat down at the boy's table.
- Why were you running away?
- None of your business!
- What's your name?
- Why are you talking to me? I bumped into you and apologized! Don't talk to me, I don't know you!
- All right, I understand. I just wanted to see if you were okay.
The boy turned his face away, feeling embarrassed at having been rude.
- I'm sorry... I just don't trust people I don't know.
- It's okay, I understand. I've got to get back to my table. Take care.
- Sir...
- Yes?
- My name is Haechan
- Pleased to meet you Haechan
Mark returned to his table and began to eat. From time to time he glanced at the boy, wondering what was wrong with him.
He finished eating and left the restaurant. He was walking home when he sensed someone was behind him. He stopped, turned and saw a shadow behind him.
- why are you hiding? Come out
Haechan stepped out and stood there.
- Why are you following me? Said Mark
- I've got nowhere to go
- Come, follow me
Haechan walked towards Mark shyly, then asked:
- what's your name?
- My name is Mark, Haechan
Then they both walked towards Mark's house.


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