Chapter eighteen

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- Haechan...
- ...
Mark quickly took Haechan to his room and tried to revive him. What just happened to him? Why did he suddenly faint out of nowhere? He couldn't stop these questions from constantly swirling in his head, over and over. He thought of calling the doctor. He got up suddenly to pick up his phone and call, but at that moment Haechan started screaming and begging, though still asleep, as if he was having a nightmare.
- I didn't hear anything! Please
- Haechan!
- Have mercy! Please
- What's wrong? Listen to me!
- Help me, please!
- Wake up! Haechan. What's going on? What are you talking about?
Mark shook him, trying to wake him up, but Haechan, with his eyes still closed and tears streaming down his face, kept screaming and begging. Mark began to worry it might be a seizure. He quickly grabbed the phone again and called the doctor, explaining the situation. The doctor assured him that he will be there soon. Mark hung up the phone and rushed back to Haechan, who continued to struggle and cling to the bedsheets, sweat dripping down his body.
A few minutes later, the doorbell rang. Mark hurried down the stairs and opened the door. On the doorstep was the doctor, talking with Johnny.
- hey Mark, the doctor was telling me there's an emergency?
- I'll explain that to you later, there's no time to waste
Mark quickly brought the doctor inside the house, and together they rushed up the stairs. Haechan was starting to calm down, but he had a fever and seemed to be struggling to breathe.
- I don't understand what happened. Everything was fine and then all of a sudden he fainted
- Are you sure nothing special happened?
- Really nothing, I don't understand
- Well, it looks like a crisis to me. Does he have any health problems?
- Not that I know of
Just then, Johnny entered the room.
- What the hell's going on? What's happening to him?
- That's what we're trying to figure out
- But damn it, he's obviously not well
- Johnny!
- I'm going to give him an injection to calm him down and bring his fever down. I'll need his medical records to better understand what happened. This doesn't look like any seizure I've ever seen. Did he see anything that scared him?
- Absolutely nothing
- Maybe he's been traumatized by something ?
- I don't really know
- You don't even know him, how can you live like this? Said Johnny
- Please don't make it any harder than it already is
- Well, there's not much we can do now but wait for him to wake up. I'll prescribe some tablets and don't worry about the fever. He's only unconscious and he'll be back in no time. I'll leave you now but when he opens his eyes, call me directly
- Sure Doctor, said Johnny
- All right, replied Mark
The doctor packed up his things in his briefcase and Johnny escorted him to the door. Meanwhile, Mark stayed by the bed, staring at Haechan, desperately hoping for him to wake up. Shortly after, Johnny came back into the room and approached Mark.

- But what happened?
- I don't understand it myself
- Did he faint just like that?
- Hmm yes, I was downstairs with Dad and when I came up the stairs he was crouched there and wouldn't move. I tried to talk to him but his eyes were blank and the next second.... Hmmm, he looked like he'd seen a ghost
- Ahahah, your father is probably that ghost
- Can you be serious for a moment?
- What's wrong? Maybe he got scared of something or someone, who knows?
- It's probably not that and I don't even think he saw him
- Bah!
- I hope he opens his eyes soon
- Mmmm
- You didn't tell me you were coming.
- This is my home, why should I tell you before coming?
- Well, excuse me, M. Johnny
- Pfff
- ...Mark
- Haechan, Haechan. I'm here
- He's waking up
- Johnny please go get some water
Haechan was restless and couldn't seem to get comfortable. His fever was gone but he still appeared to be unwell.
- I'm here Haechan, look at me
Mark held his hand and stroked his hair. Johnny came in with a glass of water.He gave the glass to Mark and went to sit in one of the armchairs in the room.
- Haechan... open your eyes
- Mark...
- Yes, it's me, I'm here. Please have some water
He brought the glass closer to Haechan and made him drink. Haechan opened his eyes wide.
- Hey Haechan, said Johnny from the corner of the room
Haechan glanced at Johnny, then turned his gaze back to Mark with a worried expression. It was clear that he wasn't feeling well still, despite his fever breaking.
- what happened, what happened to me?
- ...
- Don't you remember? asked Mark.
- My head hurts
- Oh my poor Haechan
- ...
- What's wrong?
Haechan suddenly froze, as if he'd just remembered. A terrible flash passed through his eyes. He sat up suddenly, then got out of the bed.
- hey, what are you doing? You're still weak
- Leave me alone!
- Hey, what's wrong with you? growled Johnny
- Please Johnny don't say anything
- I want to get out of here! Let me out!
- Haechan, wait , I'm with you, please calm down!
- Don't you touch me! Don't tell me to calm down!
Johnny stood up furiously, not understanding the boy's behavior. Mark, very confused, tried to reason with him, but Haechan didn't seem to be listening. Suddenly, he dashed towards the door, racing out of the room and down the stairs in a blur. But, before he could make it outside, he collapsed once again, unconscious.


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