Chapter fifteen

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- Mark...
Haechan had just woken up and noticed that Mark was no longer beside him. He wondered if he'd already left for work. He decided to check his room. But when he got to the door, he remembered that Renjun would surely also be in the room. He hesitated then knocked on the door, but no one answered. Suddenly he realized there were noises coming from downstairs, probably from the living room. So he went downstairs and saw Renjun and Mark having breakfast.
- oh, but I won't tell you
- Do you have secrets now, Junie?
- Not me, you
- Me? Hahaha but what are you saying, you know everything
- I know you're hiding things
- Come on, stop talking, you'll choke
- But...
- Shhh
- Alright, alright
Mark turned his head and noticed Haechan.
- oh, Haechan
- ...
- Come on, don't just stand there
Haechan got closer to them and said good morning
- ermm... I thought you'd already left
- I didn't let him go! He was going to leave without eating
- Junie shut up
- Stop telling me to shut up
- Oh lord
Haechan looked at them and held back a laugh.
- Come and have your breakfast too, said Mark
- Mmm no, not now, I'm not really hungry
- All right, but eat later, okay?
- Yes, don't worry
- Well, I'd better be going now
Mark got up from the table, pulled Renjun's ears and left.
Haechan was a little sad that he didn't get to talk to him much , but he figured he'd see him later.
- Oh Haechan, I've got to go out and buy some stuff later, will you please come with me?
- Um...
- I've already talked to Mark, he knows all about it
- Okay then
- Great! We leave in an hour, is that okay for you?
- Sure
- Oh I ate too much, I might explode
They both laughed.
Some time later they got ready and went out.

Haechan wasn't comfortable once they were out, and Renjun noticed. He saw that he kept looking around and seemed to flinch at the slightest noise. He then suggested to stop somewhere to rest and have a cold drink.

- Can I ask you a question?
Haechan flinched , and asked Renjun if he'd spoken to him.
- I was asking if you were all right
- Yes, don't worry
- Then why do you keep looking around like that?
- Oh, it's nothing...
- You can tell me if you're not okay
- Everything's fine
- alright
A moment later, since none of them were talking, Renjun proposed to go back, since he'd already found what he wanted.
Not long after, they were home. Renjun suggested calling Mark to let him know they were back. Haechan, who wasn't feeling well, said he wanted to go and rest in his room.
Renjun thought the boy was very strange and asked Mark about it. Mark told him that Haechan had been through a disturbing situation and that he probably hadn't recovered yet. Renjun understood the situation and blamed himself for judging Haechan. However, Renjun had to go home because his father wanted him to. So he went to warn Haechan and then he left. Haechan was quite happy about Renjun leaving but he hid it rather well.
That evening, Mark came home later than usual and Haechan felt alone and scared in the huge house.

Haechan was sitting curled up on the couch, when all of a sudden he heard the door open. As soon as he saw Mark enter the room, he jumped off the couch and grabbed Mark's neck.
- Hey, you're happy to see me, aren't you?
- ...
- Yes?
- I missed you a lot Mark
- Oh Haechannie, are you all right?
- I am... now that you're here
- Have you eaten?
- ...
- Haechan?
The boy passed out in Mark's arms.
Mark took him in his arms and hurried up the stairs to put him in his bed, then called his personal doctor, who arrived 15 minutes later.
- Well, Doctor?
- Well...he's very weak
- But he was getting better... I thought he was...
- Well, no, Mark, this poor young man still has wounds that haven't healed, and the pain has obviously weakened him
- I see
- And to make matters worse, he haven't eaten all day apparently
- oh lord, I didn't know that
- He needs to eat well and rest, so please take care of him. And here's some medication he'll need
- I'll take care of everything
- I must go
- I'll see you soon, thank you
Mark went back to his room where Haechan was laying, after walking the doctor to the door .
Not long after that, Haechan woke up and seemed a bit lost. He asked Mark to come closer, which Mark did.
- I missed you Mark
- Haechannie...
- I'm fine, don't worry
- That's all you're saying but you're not fine and you haven't eaten a thing. I'll make you something to eat and go and get your medicine. I was really careless and didn't think that you might not be fully recovered
- Oh believe me I'm fine
- Stop it
- I'm just scared, though it hurts to admit it
- I'll protect you
Haechan smiled, forcing himself to do so, because he wanted to reassure Mark. But he knew that Mark couldn't protect him.
- if you want to tell me what you're so afraid of
- ...
- Stay here and don't move, I'll make you something to eat
- But Mark
- I don't want to hear it
Mark hurried down the stairs and immediately went into the kitchen, then started cooking
Nearly half an hour later he was back in the room. He forced Haechan to sit up and feed him himself.
- I was going to get your meds, but I can't leave you alone
- I don't really need it
- You'll take them anyway
Haechan sighed in resignation
- I'm not working tomorrow, so I'll stay with you
- But won't you have a problem?
- No, don't worry
Haechan felt guilty and told himself he was causing Mark too much trouble, even if he didn't say anything about it.
A moment after he'd finished eating, Mark took everything back to the kitchen and was back right after.
- Are you strong enough? I think a bath would do you good
- Oh, yes
- I'll put the water on
Mark hurried off and got everything ready. Haechan felt even more embarrassed, and a sad smile passed over his face. Then he got up, took off his clothes and went to join Mark in the bathroom.


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