Chapter 14.

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    A few minutes later the door knocked, and I went to open it right away. Aurora was holding in her hand the book she had told us about. Then we went up to Conrad's room who was sitting on his bed. We placed the book on the bed and flipped through it until we came upon the page that had articles from various circuses.

"I found it!'' Conrad said and began to read to us intently.

<<Mysterious disappearance shortly after the announcement of the epidemic, the famous Darkvile Circus has disappeared as claimed by the family of two members who were in the troupe as juggling and acrobatic performers known as the twins Scarlett and Luna Miller. The parents of the two young ladies have not heard from them for almost a week and a half, the police can't be sure of anything as there are no traces of disappearance, we from the press support that they have definitely gone back to their hometown because of the epidemic as the whole world is doing. We will keep you updated directly.>>

"So, they just disappeared?" Aurora asked.

''Yeah, that's what my mom told me the other day. They never found them or the troupe.''

''Strange.'' She said, puzzled.

''The weirdest thing is that there was nothing on the internet about the Darkvile Circus and you brought us an old newspaper that had an announcement about them.'' Conrad said.

''So that means they were known, but not on the internet.'' I said in turn.

''What if someone doesn't want them to be known?" Aurora asked.

''That means there is definitely something very unexplainable and definitely supernatural.'' Conrad said and I looked at him. I absolutely did not want to believe in the idea that we would be dealing with something supernatural, but as much as I want to deny it now it is clear to me that it is something like that, if we compare from our dreams, which you don't call them logical at all.

''I'm afraid you're right. I don't know why all this is happening to us but I won't be able to bear it if I have this dream one more time.'' I said completely tired and exhausted from this situation.

''I don't want anything to happen to you, I'm very scared for you.'' Aurora said worriedly.

''It's not up to us anymore whether something happens to us or not, because if it was outside the dream, we would surely be careful that nothing happens to us, but in the dream someone else has complete control over us.'' Conrad said.

"Exactly, and because we don't know when we'll see it again and what we'll see next time we'll have to stay awake.''

''You know that's not possible Odette. At some point we won't be able to stand it and we'll fall asleep.'' Conrad said and grabbed his head.

''I wish I could help you.'' Aurora said.

''You did help us! At least we know this Darkvile guy has something to do with what's happening to us.'' I replied.

''Yes but what could he want from you two in particular?" She asked not expecting an answer of course since neither of us knew what to say. We were at a loss, all three of us were lost in our thoughts, thinking and thinking, but we knew that this would get us nowhere. Everything was weird, unexplainable and strange. Sometime later as the three of us sat there without speaking Aurora started to shake all over.

"Aurora." I said and held her hand.

''Aurora are you okay?'' Conrad asked, as the trembling was getting worse, she couldn't talk to us, her whole body was shaking and Aurora was trying to breathe, suddenly her pupils turned white and within a few seconds her eyes had turned black, while her natural color was green, it confused me but also scared me a lot. Immediately after she stopped shaking and looked into both of our eyes, for some reason I felt strange while a shiver ran through my whole body.

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