Chapter 3.

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   Three months after Eleanor's arrival the next as I said to join us was Arthur, a man older than me, tall and sturdy, with a not very long beard and jet-black hair. He was the perfect addition to the troupe since he had rejections from many circuses. I of course accepted him without a second thought, not only because Victor introduced him to me, but because Arthur is a talented man and I'm still surprised they turned him down. Half a year later the circus was already ready, but I was missing other people. So, my path crossed with twins Scarlett and Luna, they are both acrobats and Luna is also a conjurer like Eleanor, they have acts both together and separately. I met them in the strangest way I would say, although at first, I didn't realize they were two different people, I was fooled I may say.

Half a year after Eleanor and Arthur's arrival.

Pressed and stressed with the business and unfinished matters of the circus, I wanted to get away. I decided to go to a show, wanting of course to see how the other troupes worked and also to take my mind off things for a while. As I was watching the show a presence sat right next to me, I didn't turn around of course to look I was fixated on the show.

''Hello!'' The young girl sitting next to me said. I turned to look at her, she was also close to my age I would say. She had long black hair and light skin, her eyes were dark blue like the ocean and her features were rougher unlike Eleanor's.

''Hi.'' I replied not wanting to pay too much attention to the girl sitting next to me.

''Do you like shows?" She asked soon after.

"Yes, that's how I found the meaning of my life. "I replied, wanting to emphasize that this is literally how I found the meaning of life.

''What do you mean by that?" She asked indiscreetly while I was trying to figure out what exactly she was aiming for from me at that moment.

''Long story.'' I replied.

''Shall I show you a magic trick that hasn't been shown here yet? I'm sure you'll like it.'' She said with full confidence in her tone of voice and of course, mocking the troupe we were watching.

"Show me." I said with determination, I wanted to see what she was going to show me.

Suddenly she pulled a coin out of her pocket.

''Do you see it right?" She asked while I shook my head in affirmation. With quick movements, the coin disappeared from her hands. Immediately afterward she placed her hand behind my ear revealing the coin. I knew this trick of course but I would never learn how to do it.

"Is that all you have?" I asked, expecting her to show me something innovative or something that would excite me.

''No, of course not. This is the most classic trick.'' She said while immediately picking up her bag that was lying down on the floor and pulling out a deck of cards. She made me choose a card without her seeing it of course. Immediately afterward she found the exact card I had chosen. Which impressed me, but it's certainly inconceivable to me how she found it.

"Do you want to see something else?" She asked as she seemed excited about what she wanted to show me.

''Yes.'' I said happily, of course, I wouldn't say no to another one of her tricks.

''Well hold this key. Look in my bag of course to make sure I don't have another one.'' She said and I made sure she didn't have another key other than the one I was holding in my hands, she immediately showed me the pockets of her pants which were also empty, then I looked down at the floor and at her seat to make sure she didn't have another key hidden.

''Well since you made sure there's only one. I'll make it two, just as with the key I'll be double.'' She said while I was puzzled by what she was about to do, of course, I was looking forward to seeing what she was going to show me.

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