Chapter 8.

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   Fifty-three years later.

 "Odette, come to me. Odette! You must find me.'' He said in a creepy voice. I was wandering in the dark, not knowing where I was going or seeing anything. All I could hear was this creepy male voice calling me.

"Odette." It was even louder this time. I had woken up while apparently realizing that I was dreaming.

''Odette!'' I was shaken by my brother Conrad.

''Conrad.'' I said and looked at him in wonder as I realized it was still night.

''I heard you mumbling. You were dreaming?" He asked.

''Yes, but I don't remember it.'' I said while I obviously still remembered it, but I didn't want to tell him any further, it was just a weird dream anyway that didn't matter.

''Good night then.'' He said immediately afterwards and left my room. Odd for him to be worried about me. We might be twin siblings and as is known for twin siblings have a special connection, for us that's not the case. We don't have arguments or fights, we just each live our lives differently, sharing nothing in common except that we are siblings. When we were younger of course we were the complete opposite of now, we lost that connection when our father died. We both just closed in ourselves and all that we had was lost. I certainly can't turn a blind eye though because I can see a sadness in my mother's eyes, it's not easy to see your children acting like strangers to each other. I don't blame her for feeling this way and I have to admit I definitely miss our good old days, I would love to go back to those days. As a kid I relied on Conrad a lot, besides being my brother, he was my best friend. But that's the reality now and that's how we've been living with each other for the last ten years.

  After that creepy dream I couldn't sleep again, I just waited for the sun to rise and go to school. Even there, you can see how different Conrad and I are. I'm like invisible, not popular at all and I only have one friend Aurora who is not just a friend but my best friend. We get along quite well I can tell, she's not very social either and of course she's an introvert but much less than I am. It doesn't bother us though that it's just the two of us, for her as she says it's more than enough plus she doesn't need many friends to feel comfortable. Since we understand each other, and we can express ourselves to each other about whatever is on our minds she is feeling very lucky. That's exactly what she has told me, of course I agree with her completely. She is everything Conrad was back then, so I see her as my sister. On the other hand, Conrad is definitely the complete opposite of me. He's popular enough that even if I lift a rock, it will know his name. He has quite a few friends of course and Conrad Amel's opinion counts a lot. At school they know we're siblings, of course, but it seems so strange to them. Well, it seems to me, too, that someone like Conrad has a sister like me. But I think Conrad has moved on in his life more easily than I have. I don't know if it's because of my father's death and I just wasn't able to do and become all that Conrad is. I certainly don't want to blame my father's death for me being the way I am now, not that there's anything wrong with my life. I would just like to be at least a little bit like Conrad, not popular or have a lot of friends but maybe more confident. I know it's up to me to have the life I want since I have no obstacles and I have a supportive mother who only wants to see me happy. I want to make her proud of me, but how can I make her proud of me when I'm not for myself?

  With all these thoughts dawn came, and the first rays of sunshine entered my room. Conrad and I never went to school together, he always woke up later than me, when I am always ready to go, he wakes up and he always misses first period or just doesn't show up, he says he doesn't like to wake up too early and that he can't do first period, I don't blame him here obviously. But since you still go to school unfortunately you also have to follow the rules. Mum on the other hand has not been calm one morning from Conrad's behaviour, she is always yelling at him, and it makes sense. As I was about to go to school, I was stopped by my mom's voice.

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