Chapter 13.

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Conrad was still holding the sketch of the face I had drawn earlier. I don't know why he was so adamant that he had seen him somewhere before, it was inconceivable since he didn't look like a human.

''Conrad, don't bother anymore.'' I said to him a few minutes later.

"You're right." He said and put the book down on the table.

''I should go, I'll see you tomorrow at school.'' Aurora said as I walked her to the door and after I said goodbye she left. As soon as I returned back to the living room Conrad was looking at the drawing again.

''Odette.'' He said abruptly while standing up from his seat startling me with his abrupt behaviour.

''What happened?" I asked worriedly.

''I know who it is, the man you drew.'' He said and I just didn't know what to say or think.

"What do you mean? How do you know?''

''I have a suspicion but I'm not entirely sure, come with me I need to show you something.'' He said and I followed him without asking anything more. We then headed towards the loft, what could he possibly want to show me in there?

"Why did we come here?" I asked, but he didn't answer me, he took a box in his hands and sat down.

"Conrad." I said.

''Sit down and I'll tell you.'' He said and then I sat down next to him. From inside the box he pulled out an album which, to be honest, was the first time I'd ever seen it.

''I didn't know we had an album like this.'' I said and he immediately looked at me while taking a deep breath.

''Odette, has your mom ever told you about her mother?''

''No. But how does our grandmother fit in?''

''Don't you want to know?''

"Tell me what you know.''

''Yesterday I had a conversation with mom, when I left your room I found her here looking at some old pictures of us, then I saw this box and asked her what was in it. These albums are our grandmother's and some are Mom's.''

"Our grandmother's?" I asked.

''Yes, and from what mom told me, our grandmother left her when she was three to join a troupe with her twin sister. Our grandmother was an acrobat and juggler, she sent pictures of her often but mom didn't see her, then she stopped sending and our great grandmother and great grandfather got worried, they started looking for them but couldn't find any trace anywhere, as if they had disappeared off the face of the earth.'' He said as he opened the album.

''So to this day mom still doesn't know where they might be? Or even if her body has been found?''

''Unfortunately not Odette, the point is that not only did the twins disappear but the troupe that performed back then also disappeared. An inexplicable thing.'' He said and then showed me a picture of the entire troupe together. They all looked happy and I could see the sparkle in their eyes.

''This is our grandmother Luna, and this is her sister Scarlett.'' Conrad said showing me, I could see a lot of similarities with both of them, let's not comment on how my mom looked incredibly like my grandmother.

"Look Odette, this man reminds me a lot of the face you drew." Conrad said. While I focused better on this man's face, the picture didn't have a very good resolution but as I observed him I realized how right Conrad was. He looked quite similar but there was no way this man was related to the one I saw in my dream, I mean he looks perfectly normal.

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