Chapter 5.

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    It had been almost an hour since Victor brought me here, he had drunk quite a bit I might add. He was supposed to bring me here to take my mind off things, but apparently he had his own worries. The time was six o'clock and we should have been back by now. The show starts at eight and Victor is drunk. That's why I don't like this kind of places. The fault is mine, though, because I didn't stop him earlier, but of course how could I notice him when I was lost in my thoughts. I didn't even realize when his second drink became his fifth and more. I don't understand me sometimes, I feel like I'm not touching the ground, I get so lost in my thoughts that I don't notice anything or anyone.

''Let's go Victor.'' I told him in a demanding tone as he was speechless.

''Stay a little longer Morgan, don't be a grump.'' He said laughing at what he blurted out as he took another sip of his drink.

''Alright then. If you don't come with me I intend to leave on my own. It's up to you, if you want to stay here all day drinking.'' I said nervously as he took his eyes off the glass and looked at me.

''Alright, I'll go with you.'' He said while trying to get up, he fell back into the chair.

"Lean on me," I said, helping him to stand up. Like that we left the pub and headed for the inn. It was a few minutes walk but having Victor leaning on me was more than that. During the minutes we walked Victor didn't talk at all. His eyes were half open and I was sure that as soon as we got to the inn he would go straight to sleep. Admittedly I was definitely very annoyed with this behavior. We didn't come here for a holiday and he knows it very well. He could drink in the evening and not in the daytime, so now what did he understand? First show in London and of course he's going to miss it.

''Morgan, Victor.'' Eleanor said in surprise as we walked in.

''Have him lie down.'' I said addressing Eleanor and Arthur who were looking at us curiously.

"What happened?" Arthur asked as if it wasn't obvious, beyond his posture and the smell he was leaving all over the place.

''He drank a little too much.'' I said while now Victor was leaning on Arthur, without any more questions he took him by himself straight to his room.

''A lot more I would say.'' Eleanor added and looked at me scrutinizingly.

''I'm not responsible and you know it. After you guys left, he wanted to take me somewhere and when we got to the pub I barely sat down. Then he started drinking and wouldn't listen to me. He's not a little boy to run after so don't look at me like I have custody of him.'' I said, clearly annoyed.

''Don't get angry Morgan and besides I didn't misunderstand you and I didn't ask you to explain yourself to me either.'' She said trying to make me calm down.

''You're right, forgive me, I'm not angry with you Eleanor. But Victor is not acting professionally. "The show starts in two hours and he's drunk." I said, and I snapped.

''He just fell asleep.'' Arthur said coming down the stairs.

" 'Here you go." I said angrily.

''He won't wake up until the sun comes up.'' Arthur concluded.

''Anyway, I don't have time to deal with him. You guys get ready.'' I said demandingly, we had to get organized at least.

''Okay, don't worry Morgan, the show will go perfectly.'' Eleanor said optimistically. I was sure it would go well and of course I had faith in my troupe. They were proper professionals.

''I know Eleanor.'' I said but my problem now wasn't the performance, which I already knew the guys would give their best once again, but Victor's position as the opening act. Who else but me would do it?

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