Chapter 28

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Alondra had just gotten out of one problem before a problem from the past arrived. A problem that hurt her for a long time. That fed a dark place in her heart that made her doubt herself and reject what she was born as.

"Headmaster, is this a joke?" Alondra questions as she stares at Kato with caution. She remembers perfectly well how much he hated her for being a pureblood. The things he had said to her still remain fresh in her heart.

"No, this isn't a joke. These two have come to protect the academy and all my precious students." Kaien says, trying to smile away the tense situation. Alondra's heart pounds in her chest and she turns away from Yagari and Kaito. She clenches her hands tightly, taking calming breaths before turning back with a smile.

"Thank you for the help you guys! I'm sorry for causing trou-" Alondra jumps and opens her eyes to see Yagari's hand on top of her head.

"You suck at acting. Don't worry I've straightened him out since we last saw each other." He says and Alondra keeps staring at him before shaking her head and hugging Yagari.

"Yagari-sensei!" He tenses up a bit and awkwardly pets her head. She smiles a bit and then pulls back looking at Yagari. He looks a bit more older to her and it brings her comfort being around familiar faces. She flips her bang back and walks up to Kaito.

"What I said all those years ago stills stands. We don't have to be friends but we can at least get along since we're on the same side." Alondra says, looking up at him determined. The childhood fear in her heart is completely gone. Kaito looks at her and sighs. She smiles and then goes past him, stopping at the door.

"Yoru, lets head back. The sun is coming up and I'm really tired." Alondra says. Yoru follows after Alondra and looks back at the Kiryu twins.

"Thank you for helping Alondra-sa- Ah!" Alondra grabs Yoru's ear and drags him out, letting the door close behind them.

"Kaito, if you so much as give Alondra a dirty look then I will be able to hurt you this time." Ichiru says as he glares up at Kaito from where he stands. Kaito looks over at him and looks at the new vampire.

"I'll keep that in mind." Is all he says coldly before Yagari steps up.

"So, where are we staying?" Yagari questions Kaien, trying to keep a fight from starting with his former students. Kaien catches on and looks towards Yuki.

"My sweet Yuki, will you show them to the Day Class teacher's building for daddy?" Kaien questions Yuki who had been silently listening to everything with a worried expression on her face. She looks at Kaien and then nods her head slowly.

"This way, please." She says and they follow her out as well. Kaien waves them off happily, but the two remaining twins know perfectly well that it's an act to hide his worry. 

Meanwhile, Ichiru begins to wonder why neither of them mentioned the attack from the past. He wonders if no one told the hunters what really happened at the Kiryu home. He wonders if anyone knows that he was involved and caused the death of two of the best hunters of their time.

"Headmaster, have you ever been face to face with either of Kira or Alondra's fathers when you were a hunter?" Zero questions, looking back at the straw color haired man. Kaien sits back down on his chair and pushes up his glasses. He closes his tan eyes and a moment of silence is shared between them all.

"Yes, a very long time ago. Of course, Alondra's father being the king couldn't cause too much trouble, so Riku was the one who did the dirty work. In exchange for doing the work he wanted his first son to marry the king's first daughter. So fate made it so, bringing forth the birth of Kira and Alondra, two innocent children who were forced to do many things against their will." Kaien says to the two twins who stare at him.

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