The Cannibal House part 3 (Short Chapter)

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Majority Decisions:

(!) Niffty enters the hole

(!) Number chosen (7)

(!) Crymini blocks the door


Cannibal House, Kitchen

The glass cup tips over as it begins to fall

Y/n reaching out as the cup is close to hitting the ground

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(!) Safe

Y/n grabs the cup just in time as both Y/n and Husk pause in suspension

Y/n: *Sigh,Whispers* Husk for fucksake

Husk: *Shrugs*

(!) Mayberry caught previously


Both Husk and Y/n flinch at the sound as the sound of chairs move

Ralphie: Huh, Martha!?!

Demon girl: Is momma in danger?!

Ralphie: Kids guns, now!

The sound of shuffling and guns being loaded sound the dining room as Y/n and Husk look at each other

Ralphie: Boy, you know what to do

Y/n peeks through to see the demon boy enter a hole in the wall

Demon girl: What about me?

Ralphie:You make sure no one gets out

Ralphie runs off in a direction as the demon girl stands there

Demon girl: Why do I always have guard duty?

Y/n backs off looking back at Husk

Y/n: We gotta find the entrance, now

Husk: Just follow the big guy

Husk goes off following Ralphie as Y/n then looks over back to see the demon girl wander off before hearing a scuffle down below

(!) Decision (Comment in the text below)

Ambush with Demon Girl?

Regroup with Husk?


Cannibal House, Underground Basement

Mayberry: Crymini!?!

Mayberry looks over to see Crymini pushing a bookshelf in front of the door as Martha is heard banging on the door

Martha: You're only prolonging the inevitable Mayberry!

Crymini: That's not gonna hold

Mayberry: Then hurry up and help me find-

Crymini: There's a toolbox by the bodies!

Crymini only pushes against the bookshelf to keep it from falling over as Martha continues to charge into the door

Mayberry still disgusted by the corpses grabs the toolbox with little effort and begins looking through the tools

Mayberry: Ok, what looks like it'll fit

Mayberry only grabs a screwdriver before looking for the perfect size to fit the door

Crymini: Teach, hurry! The fucken wall's about to fall!

Mayberry: Give me a sec, I think I got the right-

Just as Mayberry was about to start lockpicking the door opens as Ralphie now stands in her way

Ralphie: You!

Mayberry: FUCK

Mayberry tries to run but is only grabbed by Ralphie and put in a bear hug

Crymini: Teach!

Crymini goes to try and help but the bookshelf gets knocked over as Martha barges into the room before pointing her revolver at Crymini as she backs away

Martha: Going somewhere?

Mayberry: *Struggling in Ralphie's grasp* Let. Go. Of Me!

Martha: Now, I see you two are quite troublesome. It's been fun you two, but it all comes to an end!

???: *Muffled* AAAAHHHHHHHH!


Ralphie: Boy?

Just then the metal sheet shakes furiously

Demon boy: Mama, Daddy! Monster!

???: Hello!!!


The noise becomes silent as the sheet of metal lifts up as the demon boy falls down completely unconscious before someone else steps out

Niffty: Now whoever let a kid get their hands on a gun *holds gun in her hands* is so irresponsible

(!)Niffty entered the hole previously, Niffty is "good" with kids

Ralphie then heard someone behind him and was about to look behind him before someone swings a toolbox in the back of his head releasing Mayberry as she and Ralphie fall onto the ground

Crymini: Gramps!

Husk: Kid?! *Drops toolbox*

Martha: Ah more meat~

Husk: Everyone, come on let's go

Martha: Uh uh *Pointing revolver at Crymini* don't even try girly

Niffty only pounces onto Martha pulling on her hair as the gun Niffty previously held was dropped on the ground

Martha: AHH, fucking hell get off me!

A shot rings out nearly hitting Crymini as she takes the moment to rush over to Husk

Husk: You alright kid

Crymini: Yeah, never better

Mayberry only looks at Martha trying to pull Niffty off of her while Ralphie slowly begins to recover

Crymini: Teach, let's go!

(!) Decision (Comment in the text below)

Attack Martha?

Escape with others?

(Decision Discovered, Thanks Niffty) Grab Gun?

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