Helluva Boss: Pilot

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I.M.P Headquarters, IMP City

The scene opens with a city shot that slowly zooms in on the Immediate Murder Professionals building. Cars honking can be heard in the background. The scene transitions to a closed door, with a sign that says "Meeting in progress"

Blitzo: Alright, now I know business has been a bit slow lately, yes. It's no one's fault, okay? I'm not naming any names here (looks at Moxxie) Moxxie. (Moxxie gives him a "What the hell?" look) Now does anyone have any bright ideas on how we can get business drumming up again?

The scene shows Moxxie, Millie, Loona and...

Blitzo: Where's Y/n?

Loona: He texted that he was gonna show up but-

Just then Y/n casually opens the door panting like crazy before closing and taking his seat next to Loona

Y/n: (Pants) Sorry (Pants) I'm (Pants) Late

Moxxie: What happened to you?

Y/n: (Pants) Landlord (Pants) Autograph (Pants) Hell (Pants)

Moxxie: What?

Y/n: Shut up (Before slouching in his seat deadbeat as fuck, Loona looking at him a bit worried)



Y/n's Apartment, Pentagram/Imp City

Y/n just woke up doing his daily routine as he checked his phone to see massive reviews about him

Y/n: The hell?

Before bringing it up to see that the Landlord had taken a selfie with Y/n's autograph with a handprint on it to prove that it's real and many other demons now want to meet Y/n and get his autograph

Y/n: ... FUCK

Before Y/n quickly grabs whatever he needs and peeks out the door, not even and demons are talking to the landlord demanding where Y/n is as Y/n closes the door again before looking out the balcony

Y/n: Ugh, I'm running a bit late anyways

The scene already switches to Y/n jumping out the balcony before beginning to run for his life as a tsunami of demons trying to get an autograph or get to him in the first place

*End Flashback*

Loona: You uh, you gonna be ok?

Y/n: I'll manage, but the last thing I need is to be assaulted

Blitzo: Well back to what I was saying?

Millie: Oh What. About. A car wash?

Blitzo: This is hell Millie, no one cares about cars being clean here, ok? Oh! What about a billboard?

Moxxie: We can't afford a billboard sir

Y/n: Wait don't we have enough though, how much did we get from that target I killed?

Blitzo: Umm

Y/n: Do you even know?

Blitzo: Well you see there was these nice horsies I wanted to add to my collection and-

Moxxie: Wait, you blew most of that money on that!?!

Blitzo: Not important, ok!

Y/n: *Facepalms* 'I question this companies morals'

Blitzo: Look, have you guys forgotten what service we provide?

Blitzo with a remote in his hand presses a button, a nearby T.V was turned on and it switched to a commercial which showed various people being murdered in horrific ways, the first kill showed Blitzo caving someone's skull in with a baseball bat before it transitioned to showing Moxxie blowing someone's brains out the back of their head with a double barreled shotgun before quickly switching to show someone getting Mauled to death by Loona, the fourth death was someone being decapitated by a giggling Millie who held a spear

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