Hazbin Hotel Pilot: New "Friends?" and a Turf War

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Happy Hotel, Pentagram City

Charlie (singing): At the end of the rainbow there's happiness

And to find it how often I've tried

But my life is a race, just a wild goose chase

And my dreams have all been denied

Why have I always been a failure?

What can the reason be?

I wonder if the world's to blame?

I wonder if it could be me?

I'm always chasing rainbows

Watching clouds drifting by

My schemes are just like all my dreams

Ending in the sky

Some fellows look and find the sunshine

I always look and find the rain

Some fellows make a winning sometime

I never even make a gain believe me

I'm always chasing rainbows

Waiting to find a little bluebird

In vain

Y/N and Angel

Streets, Pentagram City

We come back to Y/n walking around the city taking in the view of everything as he sees a clock tower stating

"Next Cleanse"

"000 Days to 365 Days"

Y/n: "The hell is the Cleanse?"

Not long until he heard screaming before someone fell from the sky and crashed landed on the ground until he got up

Random Demon: "Oh I'm alive, I'm alive!"

Alive until he got ran over by a taxi

Y/n: "Oof, glad that didn't happen to me when I got here"

Just walking over by a vending machine y/n sees a pink, white four armed demon step out of the car

Driver: "Huh, thanks for the fun time hotstuff"

Angel: "Yeah, Yeah listen it's discrete you hear me. I can't let it get out that I'm offering my services to randos on the street. It was a quick cash grab, ya got it" pointing his finger guns at the driver

Driver: "(Pff) Whatever you say slut (Laughs)"

Angel: *fakes being hurt by that comment* "Ouch, ooh, such an insult. Let me know when you come up with something creative to call me, you sack of poorly package horseshit! Tell the misses I said "Hi" *quick kiss* Schnookums"

The driver just mutters then quickly drives away with the sound of something crashing in the distance

Y/n: "Well that was... something" mutters to himself

Angel hears Y/n and looks over at him

Angel: "Oh hey there, you enjoyed the show?"

Y/n: "Eh, more or less"

As Y/n looks over to the Machine hoping to get a drink, but looks at the main screen with words written on it as "Drugs" and a selection of drugs on the panels

Y/n: "Wait, they sell drugs in soda machines?"

Angel: "It's hell baby" putting his arm around Y/n's shoulder only for Y/n to quickly push him off too get away from him "Oh sensitive, don't worry I'll be gentle"

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